BodyTalk therapy: what it is and how it works

Douglas Harris 04-10-2023
Douglas Harris

Have you ever stopped to think that your own body has the ability to harmonize itself, reorganizing what is out of balance? If you are sick or have emotional problems, your body can reveal which organs are affected and need to be treated.

It is as if your body speaks. And this language can be understood by a technique known as BodyTalk The technique has already been recognized in Germany, as a complementary treatment system, like Homeopathy.

The BodyTalk System aims to seek the body's natural balance. It combines principles from Chinese Medicine, Western Medicine, Quantum Physics, Yoga techniques, Applied Kinesiology and Bioenergetic Therapy, and is based on the concept that we all have an innate wisdom, responsible for managing everything that happens in our body.

This intelligence maintains the balance and health of the body. It is capable of performing more than 150,000 chemical reactions per second.

When a person is sick, it means that their organs, cells, emotions, and energy are not communicating, affecting the balance of the body. The Bodytalk System identifies and promotes the reestablishment of good communication with all parts of the body and mind, thus restoring health.

The technique was developed by Australian acupuncturist and chiropractor John Velthein. Following a protocol, the therapist asks the patient's body questions and gets yes and no answers.

How a Body Talk session works

  • You don't need to be without clothes
  • The therapy is non-invasive.
  • There is no pre-established number of sessions.
  • Each session lasts an average of 20 to 30 minutes, but I ask the person to set aside an hour, so we can talk about perceptions during the session (both mine and the client's).
  • Distance sessions have the same effect as face-to-face sessions.


The only person who knows what is happening to your body is yourself. But not at the level of consciousness (of what you think you know), but at the level of your innate wisdom.

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I notice that there is a balance between the left hemisphere of the brain, the rational side, with the right hemisphere, the emotional/creative side, of people who receive BodyTalk sessions.

This brings harmony of thought and feeling, providing a life with more awareness.

Dr. John Velthein, says that if a person practices a BodyTalk technique, called balancing the cortexes, every day, for one year, in this time they will have a well-harmonized brain, thus providing a facility for the Body-Mind to interact better.

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What is BodyTalk online like?

With the Covid-19 Pandemic, the demand for BodyTalk sessions done online, or at a distance as we like to call it, has greatly increased.

The Distance Session has the same impactful effect as the face-to-face sessions. In this type of session, the only difference is that the therapist does not touch the client, but uses his or her own arm to connect with the client's Innate Wisdom.

Just as in a face-to-face session, the therapist usually begins by asking about your health history and well-being, either in written or verbal format. They also ask what your main complaints are.

When it's time to receive the session, behave exactly as if you were with the therapist in person in your service space:

  • Sit down or lie down.
  • Stand in a comfortable position and place.
  • You can listen to the session through the speaker or headphones.
  • Close your eyes and try to relax.

Remember that every therapist has his or her own practice style and way of conducting his or her session, but usually you don't have much to see or do during a session, just allow yourself to relax in that moment.

Douglas Harris

Douglas Harris is a seasoned astrologer and writer with over two decades of experience in understanding and interpreting the zodiac. He is known for his deep knowledge of astrology and has helped many people find clarity and insight into their lives through his horoscope readings. Douglas has a degree in astrology and has been featured in various publications, including Astrology Magazine and The Huffington Post. In addition to his astrology practice, Douglas is also a prolific writer, having authored several books on astrology and horoscopes. He is passionate about sharing his knowledge and insights with others and believes that astrology can help people live a more fulfilling and meaningful life. In his free time, Douglas enjoys hiking, reading, and spending time with his family and pets.