Mars in Capricorn: ambition, planning, and work

Douglas Harris 02-06-2023
Douglas Harris

Mars, the planet of action and initiative, transits Capricorn from January 24 to March 6, 2022. Mars has great affinity with Capricorn This positioning is called "exaltation" in Astrology, that is, a combination between planet and sign that is especially productive.

Understand below why Mars and Capricorn make a good partnership, and what potentials can be tapped during the period. And note in your diary the topics that will be explored next:

  • 01/24 - 03/06: Mars in Capricorn is a time to be more disciplined
  • 01/29 to 02/10: Mars sextile Jupiter brings increased confidence and energy
  • 02/04 to 02/12: Mars trine Uranus favors innovation.
  • Feb 19-27: Mars sextile Neptune makes it possible to combine effort and relaxation or leisure
  • From 02/27 to 03/07: intensification of crises, but also of willpower and power of transformation

Mars in Capricorn: when planning and action go together

If you were born with Mars in Capricorn ( find out here ) can reveal very good administrative and productive potential. Of course, it is necessary to observe if Mars makes aspects with other planets that could alter this.

Also, on the issue of assertiveness, you generally find a balance between setting boundaries (a Capricornian function) and being assertive (a Martian function), without going overboard (Capricorn) or losing your reason.

See_also: What does it mean to dream of meat?

When Mars is in Capricorn in the Sky (a tendency that can be felt by everyone, not only those who have Mars in Capricorn in their chart), we have help to be more focused in our actions .

At its best, this position is able to plan, persist, work tirelessly and improve itself to achieve objectives Moreover, it combines drive and competitiveness (Mars) with big picture assessment and planning (Capricorn).

Thus, there is a profile that could be associated with figures such as high level executives or high performance athletes. Capricorn is the sign of the mountain goat that aims for the top of the mountain, and Mars in this sign focuses all its energy on achieving such a goal.

Mars in Capricorn: time to work and focus on goals

We are really invited to yield more when the transit of Mars in Capricorn - If, for example, we are involved in studies or research work, we will be willing to dive in to do it all.

Mars also rules how one fights for something, and in Capricorn, one fights with more maturity or notion of the consequences. When this position takes a stance, whatever it may be, it is as if it is already mature enough to say: "I bank.

The heroes of action movie stories or comic books, when they take upon themselves heavy responsibilities, and handle them, are within the archetype of what positioning would be. This is the mature leader.

And another facet of Mars in Capricorn as already implied, is the discipline Like it or not, this astrological transit knows that action (Mars) derives from effort and persistence (Capricorn).

See_also: Mercury Retrograde 2021

So, for example, there is no such thing as a fit body without a gym or a ripped belly without a diet and abdominals.

Mars in Capricorn is beneficial for anyone who needs this quality, from someone who needs to finish an intellectual work, like a dissertation, or even in simple things, like improving their performance in physical activity or adjusting their routine to be more productive.

More mood and confidence

From 29/01 to 10/02, Mars makes sextile with Jupiter. This is a combination of great disposition and confidence. You are invited to adventures - and you feel able to accept them. Projects started here have a good chance to work out, with the doses of commitment that Mars in Capricorn naturally asks for.

Energy to innovate

From 04 to 12/02, Mars makes trine with Uranus. There is a disposition to act more boldly, creatively, and towards change .

For example, you have been wanting to lose weight for some time, and someone referred you to a fantastic nutrologist or nutritionist. Give it a chance and go see who it is. Open yourself to change. Also, you may feel more free in some area of your life, or you may be able to gain that freedom.

Mars sextile Neptune: window for relaxation

Although Mars in Capricorn is pro-work, from Feb 19th to Feb 27th, it makes a beautiful sextile with Neptune, aspect that helps to relax .

It can be great for activities involving water, such as swimming, stand up paddle, kitesurfing, etc.

Or activities that require more flexibility, such as dance or yoga, or that are meditative, such as tai chi chuan.

Trying to fulfill small dreams is also something that has a lot to do with this aspect. And, at work, being able to intersperse production with moments of relaxation.

Crises, but also determination and transformations

From Feb. 27 to March 7, Mars is conjunct Pluto. Do you know the last time this happened? From March 18 to March 27, 2020, when the worldwide pandemic became a reality, and the planets' inhabitants were invited to stay home.

This time, the conjunction may not be as dramatic as that of 2020, but there will be crisis hotspots in various parts of the world.

Note that the period coincides with the Brazilian Carnaval, and many mayors, unaware of this aspect, which involves obvious risks, have already taken the right measure of limiting the street Carnaval.

So here's the message: avoid exposing yourself to unnecessary dangers these days. Be intelligent and strategic in the use of your energy and action.

The positive side of this combination is that it activates a lot of willpower. See the last time it happened we had to be resilient to deal with the imposed changes.

There is also a transforming force in this aspect for those who know how to use it. It is a "mission given, mission accomplished" style combination, with the strength of the mountain goat and the intense Pluto.

See also where the conjunction occurs in your Free Astrological chart here to observe where there might be a hotspot.

Douglas Harris

Douglas Harris is a seasoned astrologer and writer with over two decades of experience in understanding and interpreting the zodiac. He is known for his deep knowledge of astrology and has helped many people find clarity and insight into their lives through his horoscope readings. Douglas has a degree in astrology and has been featured in various publications, including Astrology Magazine and The Huffington Post. In addition to his astrology practice, Douglas is also a prolific writer, having authored several books on astrology and horoscopes. He is passionate about sharing his knowledge and insights with others and believes that astrology can help people live a more fulfilling and meaningful life. In his free time, Douglas enjoys hiking, reading, and spending time with his family and pets.