Meanings of the Moon in Virgo: emotions, sexuality and maternity

Douglas Harris 01-06-2023
Douglas Harris

The Moon in the Birth Chart governs matters such as origins and family, feelings, motherhood, the feminine side, and what nourishes the soul. Specifically, the Moon in Virgo represents love for nutrition, organization, and practicality.

In addition, the Moon also plays a very important role in the Sexual Map. In both love and sex, it helps interpret the feelings that come instinctively.

In this article we will talk about the characteristics of the Moon in Virgo and its developments in several areas of life, including emotions, sexuality, and motherhood.

Take advantage and learn more about the Moon in the Birth Chart and the Moon in the Sex Chart.

Characteristics of the Moon in Virgo

Those who have the Moon in Virgo are usually careful, detail-oriented, and intelligent, and also tend to like harmony, be analytical, and focus on improvement.

She is usually someone who nourishes herself with a good routine and diet.

You love to take great care of all the little details, which is great on the one hand, but deserves attention not to overdo it. Perfectionism can be a dangerous trait.

Moon in Virgo and the astrological houses

Whatever the characteristic, however, it can be more or less intense. This is because the Moon in the sign of Virgo is linked to an astrological house - and each house emphasizes a group of themes in your life.

For example: a person with the Moon in the 1st house is someone who is centered in what he or she feels, so he or she can interpret the world according to his or her emotional state, while a person with the Moon in the 2nd house tends to be very emotionally attached to people and even objects.

This is why it is so important to look at the birth chart as a whole and never at the information in isolation. To find out which house your Moon in Virgo is in, do your birth chart here for free.

Learn about the 12 astrological houses and the meaning of each one

See_also: To dream of betrayal: what does it mean?

The rationality of those who have Moon in Virgo

The sign your Moon is in has the important role of showing what nourishes your soul. Those with the Moon in Virgo can deal with emotions in a very analytical way.

They are people who usually do not like to be completely at the mercy of their feelings, so they try to use the rational side more than the emotional one in most situations.

But beware, it is important that you are careful with your self-criticism, so that you don't develop a kind of inferiority complex and always diminish yourself.

Learn everything about the Virgo sign

Moon in Virgo and Motherhood

Because it is connected with family matters and the feminine side, the Moon is very active in Maternity. The mother with the Moon in Virgo is usually practical, efficient, and a partner.

On the other hand, children with a Virgo Moon can perceive their mother, regardless of her sign, as someone critical and interfering, that is, a person who is always pointing out some flaw or defect.

This can cause disagreements and even traumas that end up being carried over into adult life. In this case, it is important to work through these issues in order to move forward. Learn how Family Constellation can help overcome these barriers.

Feeding the Moon in Virgo

Influenced by family patterns and also by the relationship with the mother, the Moon in the Birth Chart has a direct relationship with nutrition.

The tendency of the Virgo Moon is not to worry so much about taste, but to eat quickly, because the person is usually preoccupied and busy. This can make him/her quite nervous and anxious, eventually developing gastritis.

Therapist Solange Lima gives Aromatherapy tips that help work through these issues:

  • Orange tangerine, bergamot e lavender : help deal with nervousness and anxiety.
  • Lemongrass : helps to free the laryngeal chakra, releasing the emotions and allowing one to express oneself without aggressiveness.
  • Sweet Orange To do this, do a massage on the abdomen, below the navel, using 30g of a neutral cream with 4 drops of essential oil - it can be 2 of sweet orange and 2 of patchouly, which will help in this process.
  • Geranium If the Moon Virgoan needs to boost his famous organization, planning, and focus, use geranium oil or add it to the synergy with the other oils indicated.

Learn more about the relationship between the Moon in the Astrological Chart and food

Moon in Virgo and sexuality

As we said at the beginning of the text, the Moon plays an important role in the Sexual Map, and those who have the Moon in Virgo usually bring to their relationships the same critical sense as in other areas of life.

It is common to be a shyer person in the conquest process, but this is a way to keep the situation under your control. Moreover, whether in long-term or casual relationships, you do not give up quality and responsibility.

In the beginning, the partnership may find the demands strange. But the Moon in Virgo knows how to reciprocate the value given to it. It is worth seeking balance!

See_also: Sun in Taurus 2022: How all signs can enjoy the period

Take the opportunity to learn more about your Moon in the Sexual Map.

Sun, Moon and Ascendant

The Sun, Moon and Ascendant of your birth chart are known as the Big 3 of Astrology. The signs you have on these three planets are the basis of your personality.

  • Sol: I am, that's my role.
  • Moon: I feel it, this is where I come from.
  • Ascendant: That's how I express myself, that's how people see me.

This is why, although the entire Star Chart has to be considered, if you say the Sun sign, Moon and Ascendant, you will be giving good clues as to who you are.

Make your free Astrological Birth Chart and discover your Big 3 of Astrology

What it means when the Moon is in Virgo

You know that your Star Map shows how the sky was at the exact moment you were born, right? This is immutable. Your Star Map will always be the same. But there is what we call the Sky of the Day, which is the daily disposition of the stars. And this reading talks to your Map, acting in your day to day life.

This point is even more relevant here because the Moon changes signs every two days or so, and since the Moon rules the emotions, this change can act on your mood and state of mind.

What can happen when the Moon is in Virgo?

  • Positive moods: simplicity, practicality, insight.
  • Negative moods: criticism, excessive realism, less creativity.
  • Good for: Starting diets, making doctor's appointments, solving practical matters, working, anything that has to do with organization, detailed and meticulous tasks.
  • Not good for: what you want to be shiny or glamorous, to be unoccupied, to overeat.
  • Lines of Business: veterinary, pet shop, dietary or functional nutrition, services in general, service stores and useful articles (car parts, for example), physiotherapy services, speech therapy, health, secretarial and accounting services, utilities channel, vocational courses for high school level.

Understand better your personal transits

You can see that the sign combined with the Moon's transit can make a difference in your day. This is why it is important to do your Personalized Horoscope. It helps you understand these combinations.

In addition, it is worth knowing more about the phases of the Moon and in which sign it will be on a certain date. For this, check out the 2022 lunar calendar.

Now that you know all about the Moon in Virgo, why don't you use this information to reflect on what you are feeling? Are you happy with your emotions? Is there something bothering you in this area?

In Personare, you will find several articles that can help you with this issue. Count on us!

Douglas Harris

Douglas Harris is a seasoned astrologer and writer with over two decades of experience in understanding and interpreting the zodiac. He is known for his deep knowledge of astrology and has helped many people find clarity and insight into their lives through his horoscope readings. Douglas has a degree in astrology and has been featured in various publications, including Astrology Magazine and The Huffington Post. In addition to his astrology practice, Douglas is also a prolific writer, having authored several books on astrology and horoscopes. He is passionate about sharing his knowledge and insights with others and believes that astrology can help people live a more fulfilling and meaningful life. In his free time, Douglas enjoys hiking, reading, and spending time with his family and pets.