Numerology of the Name: see the meanings and how to calculate

Douglas Harris 15-07-2023
Douglas Harris

Does Numerology of the Name exist? Your Numerology Chart represents all the meanings that your complete name and date of birth brings. Within it, there is one that deserves special attention, precisely because it represents the types of attitudes and situations through which we will feel a great existential satisfaction. It is the Motivation Number!

You can see your Name Numerology and, consequently, your Motivation Number free of charge on your Numerology Chart. Just enter your full name, which is name registered on the birth certificate.

So, those who changed their name when they got married should consider their birth name, not the name that was changed after marriage.

Numerology Meaning of the Name

After arriving at your Motivation Number result, see below what each one means:

Motivation Number 1

What will give you satisfaction is to adopt an original attitude, putting your authorial mark on everything you do. Doing the ordinary in an unusual way.

It is to behave in a leading, authentic, sincere way. To engage in experiences through which you can give vent to the many ideas and projects that arise from your electric mind.

Motivation Number 2

You will feel satisfaction when you are exercising your protective, caring, conciliatory side.

Activities that demand the use of your emotional sensitivity and diplomacy, in order to smooth things out between people and unite them through an engaging, captivating, seductive behavior.

Use your softening, pacifying, and detail-oriented skills to correct, improve, and perfect. Being in relationships within this atmosphere of friendship, companionship, and mutual support satisfies you.

Motivation Number 3

The more you live experiences full of liveliness, joy and freedom, the better, because you are satisfied interacting with people, going out, having fun, and cultivating a light and pleasurable life.

You can also get a lot of satisfaction out of expressing yourself, using your creative or artistic talents, or even writing and speaking, such as telling stories, making the other laugh, in short, thrilling your audience.

Motivation Number 4

You achieve satisfaction when you can organize, clean, plan, and execute tasks in an intelligent and productive way. You enjoy being a helpful, collaborative, supportive, and useful person in your daily life and work environment.

It is also satisfying to be in a group, being with other people, being part of a team, a team, or a tribe. Or simply being with family members all the time, enjoying family togetherness.

Motivation Number 5

New things, new experiences or knowledge bring you satisfaction, so the more freedom you have to study, take courses, travel and interact with people of the most varied styles, the better. This is what the Numerology of the Name reveals for those who have Motivation Number 5.

This willingness to seek progress and to deal with what represents something innovative, alternative, and different is essential to feeling good about life.

And, of course, have room in your relationships and environments to be a chameleon, that is, to demonstrate all your versatility and originality.

Motivation Number 6

The more you can experience environments and experiences colored by an atmosphere of friendship, harmony, and togetherness, the better.

Because you are satisfied cultivating relationships, bonding with everyone and enjoying being part of some collectivity, in an atmosphere of brotherhood, such as within a work team, in the group of ideals similar to yours, or even in the family.

Motivation Number 7

You are satisfied when you can share your unique insights or your specialized knowledge, that is, when you get recognition for being a competent person and an expert in a certain area.

See_also: Number 2: diplomacy, unity and partnership

Highly selected, qualified, or refined relationships and environments also provide you with satisfaction. You seek to live with people you really trust and can establish close ties with, that your privacy and intimacy are preserved.

If only by keeping to yourself, without revealing too much, keeping secrets and observations about what you perceive in others and in circumstances.

Motivation Number 8

You feel a deep satisfaction when you take center stage or receive recognition for what you do, produce or achieve. Having the respect of family members and your social circle is something you persevere to achieve.

On this journey, you flourish by taking on great responsibilities and putting yourself in situations through which you attract attention or exert authority, because you satisfy yourself by reaching a higher level of status, power, and influence than you had in childhood.

See_also: Narcissistic mothers: what they are and how to deal with them according to Family Constellation

Motivation Number 9

You aspire to live a life filled with art, inspiration, or humanitarianism. You want to serve, to be of service to people. You get satisfaction precisely from impacting people's lives, either by moving them or helping them. The more you have the freedom to share your worldview (be it political, religious, cultural, or existential), the better.

Because you want to improve the living conditions of people and environments, generating change, transformation. You also want to be an example of self-improvement, healing, or of the strength to accomplish great things that is in every human being.

That being the case, If you want to choose a number to be your lucky number, choose the Motivation Number. And try to live this way in every area of your life. May you have behind every decision the desire to express yourself in the way represented by the number that occupies this position of your Numerology Map.

Douglas Harris

Douglas Harris is a seasoned astrologer and writer with over two decades of experience in understanding and interpreting the zodiac. He is known for his deep knowledge of astrology and has helped many people find clarity and insight into their lives through his horoscope readings. Douglas has a degree in astrology and has been featured in various publications, including Astrology Magazine and The Huffington Post. In addition to his astrology practice, Douglas is also a prolific writer, having authored several books on astrology and horoscopes. He is passionate about sharing his knowledge and insights with others and believes that astrology can help people live a more fulfilling and meaningful life. In his free time, Douglas enjoys hiking, reading, and spending time with his family and pets.