Solar Plexus: what it is and how the third chakra works

Douglas Harris 27-05-2023
Douglas Harris

Also called manipura, the chakra solar plexus is golden yellow like the Sun and represents our center of strength and vitality.

O solar plexus is located in the abdominal cavity, above the navel and near the stomach. It is through this energy center that we actively relate to the world and the people around us. Through it, our emotional energy flows outward.

Solar Plexus Chakra: Characteristics

The chakra solar plexus is directly connected with the organs related to the digestive system: stomach, liver, spleen, pancreas, gallbladder, and the vegetative nervous system.

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While the digestive system consumes and digests material impressions, the brain, referred to here as consciousness, digests and consumes the immaterial impressions of the world. The seat of our personality is in the third chakra, where our desires and all our likes and dislikes reside. Do you know that person you don't like?

This emotion is registered in this energy center. If the relationship is conflictive, it can even alter the functioning of the digestive system, directly affecting some organ. Continuous disturbances can destabilize it so much that the physical body cannot resist and becomes ill. It is in this vital consciousness that we end up creating diseases.

Solar plexus chakra in harmony

The harmonic functioning of this 3rd energy vortex brings us a sense of peace, acceptance, and wholeness of ourselves. It provides harmony with life and the position we have in it.

In this way you are also able to respect other people's feelings and peculiarities as well.

You end up having the ability to look at situations from less emotional angles, generating more security and tranquility for you and everyone around you.

Unbalanced solar plexus chakra

The inharmonious functioning of solar plexus You end up wanting to control everything according to your wishes and thoughts.

He gets angry easily and externalizes that portion of anger that was previously undigested, completely without control.

It can also cause a restlessness, by the search for a satisfaction that is missing inside, generating compulsions.

Hypofunctioning makes the person feel depressed and discouraged. Everything seems to be an obstacle that prevents them from fulfilling their desires. All this feeling causes them fear, and they may even develop depression or panic.

How to improve the functioning of the 3rd chakra?

To make it easier, initially we must do an energetic cleansing with a good professional in order to recover the vortex (spiral movements of flow).

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Once this is done, we must begin a path of detailed self-observation to see how our negative thoughts and feelings may be detonating our vital energy center.

How is our anger and our lovingness towards life? This is a good point to be questioned. Other questions to reflect on:

  • How have I been feeling about...(such a situation or person)?
  • Have I felt confident in my projects?
  • Am I too emotional?
  • Am I still stuck on what I heard from so-and-so?
  • What could be stuck in my throat in this situation...?
  • What is souring my life?
  • What am I hungry for?
  • What feelings do I have with overeating/internet/shopping?
  • Do I eat too much to occupy more space in society?

This should be a careful and loving process, because getting in touch with our emotions can also be challenging. In these cases, you can seek a professional to help you organize your ideas and feelings.

Balancing the solar plexus chakra

Meditation/full attention is really a great tool for chakra adjustment. It can - and should - always be used, as well as Yoga physical exercises. Doing energy therapies frequently can help immensely in the process of maturing emotions.

Keeping the mind under observation and control is also an excellent exercise in choosing the right thoughts. Sunbathing, preferably early in the day, married with meditation, is energizing and aids in recovery from the vortex.

Another technique that is recommended during and after the investigation is Ho'oponopono: taking responsibility, forgiveness, and letting go always help with emotional issues, providing health in your manipura or 3rd chakra.

Based on the development of my work "Virtues with Conscience", I suggest you invest in "self-responsibility" to work this chakra in your relationship with the world around you and its challenges.

This exercise of observation and re-signification of situations usually produces the necessary energy to go on potentiating your solar plexus and much more.

Understanding the chakras better

In them, the consciousness or natural wisdom of life perceives and performs two functions at the same time: it represents the organ itself, as well as our emotions related to it.

The chakra shows us our unconscious in action.

All these centers are distributed close to and along the spinal column. Their shape resembles a parabolic antenna, and their perception, like a radar.

They perceive the world and suffer the impact of events and people around us. They also function as true power plants for the irradiation of energy, emotions, and thoughts.

They are fundamental in regulating our organism, providing harmony and balance between the physical, emotional, and mental, making the connection between the material body and the subjective world.

Thus, each of the seven chakras holds all the emotions we experience, which immediately affects the physical and energetic results of our daily lives.

A stressful day, with a lot of anger, negatively affects our energy field, the chakras, and the physical body.

Now that you have this precious information, it is entirely up to you what you do with it.

Nothing that has been said here replaces going to the doctor or having treatments. On the contrary, recovering your chakra can accelerate any of these processes.

I sincerely hope that you will walk a path of consciousness with much health and joy. May your investigations bring you wonderful achievements.

Namaste! My Being recognizes your Being in all its splendor!

Douglas Harris

Douglas Harris is a seasoned astrologer and writer with over two decades of experience in understanding and interpreting the zodiac. He is known for his deep knowledge of astrology and has helped many people find clarity and insight into their lives through his horoscope readings. Douglas has a degree in astrology and has been featured in various publications, including Astrology Magazine and The Huffington Post. In addition to his astrology practice, Douglas is also a prolific writer, having authored several books on astrology and horoscopes. He is passionate about sharing his knowledge and insights with others and believes that astrology can help people live a more fulfilling and meaningful life. In his free time, Douglas enjoys hiking, reading, and spending time with his family and pets.