To dream of a cat: what does it mean?

Douglas Harris 11-10-2023
Douglas Harris

To dream of a cat may indicate the need to open one's mind to be able to see new possibilities in different paths. On a symbolic level, the feline may represent the amplification of a more shrewd and resourceful side.

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See below for more details to help you better understand what it means to dream of a cat.

To dream of a cat: is it good or bad?

It depends. Like most symbols, the cat can represent both something positive and negative - it depends on the context of the dream and the dreamer's life.

For the positive symbolism, when speaking of these felines, the image of the Egyptian goddess Bastet, a woman with a cat's head ( side photo ), comes to mind. She is the goddess protector and benefactor of men.

"The strength and agility of the feline, placed at man's service by a tutelary goddess, help him triumph over his hidden enemies," write Jean Chevalier and Alain Gheerbrant, in their Dictionary of Symbols.

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So much so that the cat was considered a sacred animal in Egypt, and something sacred is something that protects us from evil.

So it is interesting to note this cultural perspective with the cats' habit of being very hygienic - which symbolically portrays the potential for internal cleaning.

At the same time, cats are excellent hunters, so much so that they "cleaned" urban environments (streets, residences, and even ships) and the warehouses that stored grain, keeping rodents away.

In other words, there is a strong connection of cats to the issue of cleanliness, so much so that are considered great transmutators of denser and heavier energies .

Negative meanings of dreaming of a cat

Hence the possibility that the person who dreams of cats is probably in a phase in which it is necessary for him to take better care of himself and select well the companies and environments, so as not to be influenced by negative emotions and thoughts.

It is also important to get plenty of rest to regain vitality. After all, cats have a method of conserving energy by sleeping for a number of hours a day - about 18 hours - far longer than the average for most animals.

Of course, this hunting ability that the cat possesses can also indicate, symbolically speaking, a predisposition of the person to act with more self-confidence in pursuit of his goals I have to be focused and able to achieve goals, reaching a new level of independence.

Not coincidentally, cats usually have an independent personality.

In addition to the determination to achieve certain goals, the person is able to maintain a broad perception of what is around him. After all, the muscles in a cat's ear are so many that they give him directional hearing.

It is an attribute that, at the symbolic level, tends to indicate a multi-focused attention, an openness to opportunities and an alertness to the possible dangers (read challenges) that tend to occur, so that the person positions himself with flexibility, sagacity and ingenuity in the face of them.

The negative aspect linked to this feline has much to do with the mysticism of the black cat, as the animal is considered a symbol of bad luck This may be a legacy from the Middle Ages, where cats were associated with possession by evil spirits, as people accused of magic and witchcraft at this time were burned with these animals.

Whatever polarity is evident in cats, it is a fact that each one (the negative and the positive) is colored by a strong shade of mystery.

This attribute of mystery can be well observed in the habit this feline has of burying its urine and feces as a strategy to hide its smell and avoid being noticed by a predator.

How to understand the meaning of dreaming of a cat

Dreaming of a cat may not be a reproduction of something real that you are going through, but it tends to be an amplification of something that is happening to you.

For this reason, some questions can help in this process of understanding the dream's symbolism, facilitating self-reflection and stimulating the person to make associations with what they live in everyday life or with situations they have already experienced.

And, above all, to bring the interpretation to reality and be able to take some action.


  • How is your interaction with the cat?
  • Are you fascinated or afraid of this contact in the dream?
  • Do you remember dreaming of a kitten?
  • Is the cat small, normal or big?
  • Do you remember dreaming of a black cat?
  • Or is the dream about white cats?
  • Is the cat alone or in a flock?


  • How have you been protecting yourself from possible negative energies? Have you done any energetic cleansing rituals or do you think that above average rest at this time will be important?
  • Have you felt more willing to go after your goals, with a more focused attitude, and at the same time open to opportunities in the face of challenges?
  • Are you eager to achieve more independence and autonomy?
  • Do you recognize the importance of being mysterious, keeping some secrets, and not revealing your intentions or ambitions, in order to achieve your desires?
  • Are you afraid of experiencing a bad situation, that is, of being the target of bad luck in an experience you have been experiencing or are heading towards?
  • What are the best ways you consider to protect yourself from the energies you consider negative and continue on the lucky streak?


What does it mean to dream of a black cat, to dream of a white cat, and to dream of a gray cat? Is it different to dream of a biting cat than of a wounded cat? We will answer some of these questions below.

It is important to say first that it is the dreamer's attitude in the dream that tends to reveal how the person has been behaving (or might more naturally behave) in everyday life.

Therefore, the reaction of the ego-onyric (ourselves, but in a dream) in front of the cat may reveal the most likely tendency to have in front of what this symbolism represents.

Below, understand what the meanings of dreaming of a cat can be.

To dream of a black cat

Because of the mysticism and prejudices built by society, dreaming of a black cat always causes uneasiness or a fear of being on a bad luck streak. However, the meaning of dreaming of a black cat varies, and can be bad, but also good.

In general, a dream with a black cat represents positive things or brings warnings, which need not be interpreted with something negative. After all, a warning, if well observed, can serve to avoid future problems.

To dream that you do not approach the cat

In a circumstance where you have fear by dreaming of a biting cat, or just that you have a more aversive attitude toward the cat, are you not prejudiced or resistant to developing a protective ritual in front of people and environments that can negatively influence you?

Or you may simply be afraid to face the challenges that will allow you to have more independence, such as not accepting a professional task where you will need to take the lead and initiative to accomplish it with a lot of wit and flexibility.

To dream that you interact positively with a cat

If you are interacting positively with the cat in your dream, this may indicate that you have the potential to use secrecy and multi-focused, concentrated attention and cleverness to achieve your ends.

To dream of a kitten cat

To dream of a kitten cat may indicate that you still need to better develop the attributes associated with the animal in your daily life, such as concentration, cleverness, leadership, independence, and flexibility.

To dream of an adult cat

Dreaming of an adult cat may represent that you are mature enough to express these characteristics consciously and wisely.

To dream of a big cat

The size of the cat can indicate to what extent you are over-valuing the fear of being influenced by the denser, more negative energies.

Also, it may be that the cat's disproportionate size reveals the tendency to be considering this phase very unlucky. All excesses deserve to be perceived with balance, and not to be carried away by unlucky victimization.

Be alert, be smart, and act with economy of energy: get plenty of rest so that when the opportunity arises, you have the vitality and disposition necessary to make surprising and sagacious leaps in life.

To dream of a small cat

On the other hand, dreaming of a small cat can mean that you are underestimating the power of denser, negative energies.

In addition, it may be that the cat's disproportionate size reveals the tendency to be considering this very lucky phase.

But all excesses deserve to be perceived with balance, not getting carried away by overconfidence.

To dream of many cats

When the cat appears in a flock in your dream, it may indicate the importance of you paying more attention to more than one characteristic of your personality that needs more "hygienic" care.

To pay more attention to how you can "clean up" the negative expression of certain behaviors, such as oversleeping out of laziness or preferring to stay in your comfort zone.

Or the opposite, that is, that you need more rest, because various attitudes such as impatience, irritation, and aggressiveness are generating a negativity in your life - which could be avoided, reduced, transmuted through this beneficial rest.

To dream of cat feces

Symbolically, dreaming of feces can signal the need to address something we reject and want to eliminate from our lives. Check out more details to help you better understand what it means to dream about feces in general .

Douglas Harris

Douglas Harris is a seasoned astrologer and writer with over two decades of experience in understanding and interpreting the zodiac. He is known for his deep knowledge of astrology and has helped many people find clarity and insight into their lives through his horoscope readings. Douglas has a degree in astrology and has been featured in various publications, including Astrology Magazine and The Huffington Post. In addition to his astrology practice, Douglas is also a prolific writer, having authored several books on astrology and horoscopes. He is passionate about sharing his knowledge and insights with others and believes that astrology can help people live a more fulfilling and meaningful life. In his free time, Douglas enjoys hiking, reading, and spending time with his family and pets.