What is a Sextile? Understand the aspect in Astrology

Douglas Harris 22-08-2023
Douglas Harris

Two planets 60 degrees apart is the explanation of what a sextile is. This astrological aspect indicates that two stars have become associated, that is, they have joined their favorable characteristics and point to positive tendencies in the sky or in your Star Chart.

Therefore, this association between two planets is considered is a positive astrological aspect. Some sextiles can be even more collaborative than others. This happens when these two associated planets were in signs that are complementary and non-opposite.

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For example, a sextile between two planets that are in Leo and Libra are complementary because they belong to the Fire and Air elements, whereas if two planets are 60 degrees apart, but in opposite signs, such as Leo and Aquarius, the interpretation is different.

A curious thing about sextile is that sometimes it is not precisely a 60 degree distance. This is because the range between 55 and 65 degrees is also considered a sextile. Moreover, the minimum drops to 54 and the maximum increases to 66 degrees when Sun and/or Moon are involved.

But it is important to remember that an aspect, challenging or harmonious, is only one step for you to interpret your personality. However, only in the complete Astrological Chart you can see this aspect together with the other astrological placements that formed the sky when you were born.

What is a Sextile in the Birth Chart?

Two planets in this position in the Star Chart form mutual collaboration, that is, one naturally stimulates the other, especially its positive characteristics. Understand some examples that can appear of sextile in the Star Chart.

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  • Sun and Mars in sextile : they show a person who declares their own existence in the world (Sun) through personal achievements (Mars), but may eventually go overboard with aggressiveness in the process.
  • Sun sextile Saturn There can be a strong search for self-knowledge (Sun) and even a great desire to transform dark and sometimes negative points of the personality (Saturn) into talents and qualities.
  • Saturn and Neptune in sextile : indicates the form (Saturn) coming into harmony with that which dissolves it (Neptune).
  • Sextile between Mercury and Uranus : indicates an open mind for new ideas and perceptions.

What are astrological aspects?

Astrological aspects refer to the way the planets play their roles in your life. In your birth chart, the planets' meanings have psychological functions in your personality. Planets and signs occupy astrological houses that represent areas of your life.

The angular distance between the planets, considering their positions in your birth chart, is what will define which aspects they were in when you were born. Understand more:

  • What are astrological aspects
  • What is a Conjunction
  • What is an Opposition
  • What is a Trine
  • What is a Quadrature

Douglas Harris

Douglas Harris is a seasoned astrologer and writer with over two decades of experience in understanding and interpreting the zodiac. He is known for his deep knowledge of astrology and has helped many people find clarity and insight into their lives through his horoscope readings. Douglas has a degree in astrology and has been featured in various publications, including Astrology Magazine and The Huffington Post. In addition to his astrology practice, Douglas is also a prolific writer, having authored several books on astrology and horoscopes. He is passionate about sharing his knowledge and insights with others and believes that astrology can help people live a more fulfilling and meaningful life. In his free time, Douglas enjoys hiking, reading, and spending time with his family and pets.