Crown chakra: connection with spirituality

Douglas Harris 01-06-2023
Douglas Harris

The 7th Chakra is also called the Crown Chakra or Sahasrara. Its color is violet with shades of white and gold. It is located at the highest point in the center of the head. Its symbolism is the lotus flower that has 1000 leaves. It is directly linked to the brain and the connection to the cosmos.

We can also refer to the 7th Chakra as the Coronary Chakra. The corresponding gland of this energy center is the Pineal gland, which has a very broad function throughout our entire organism.

Characteristics of the Crown Chakra

The characteristic of this energy vortex speaks to the connection with spirituality (not identification with dogma) and the integration of the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual as a whole. It is here that we can have the transcendental experience of union with the universe.

It is through this morphogenetic energy center that we develop faith and the quality of our prayers and meditations. It is also where we join the intellect with the intuitive, transforming the amplitude of our understanding of life and making us one with the whole. It is the seat of the development of man's highest perfection.

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The Harmonic Functioning of the Crown makes us realize initially the stillness of our true Being, its purity and omnipresence. This fullness of Being happens little by little.

Even with the chakra already open, we have the impression of waking up from a deep sleep, the feeling of coming home, until it becomes a reality of permanent joy.

Imbalanced crown chakra

The effects of a closed 7th chakra is to feel completely separated from the harmonious flow of Being, and thereby develop a limiting fear that will block all other chakras.

To facilitate this, in an initial plan we should do an energetic cleansing with a good professional, where the integration and potency of the same can be recovered to assist in the path of self-inquiry. We should recognize how actions and thoughts, may be limiting our eternal joy.

The lack of this self-knowledge may be destabilizing your communication center with the higher wisdom of the Universe. This limitation can and must be changed with dedication and firmness.

The power of the flow of the new resides in the Sahasrara, and without it it is very difficult to increase your faith and surrender. Developing your ability to silence and more easily release the other chakras from beliefs such as scarcity is also part of this chakra's responsibility.

A good question to ask yourself is "do I believe in life?"

Other good questions to answer are:

  • Do I accept that the natural flow of life leads me?
  • Have I been using silence to activate my creativity?
  • Can I let go of negative and destructive thoughts?
  • Do I trust the new that can present itself to me at any moment?
  • Do I often get inspiration to solve challenges?
  • Do I always use my free will consciously?
  • Can and do I allow myself to choose to do differently?
  • How can I be more creative in this self-investigation?

Create your own question and if you like, send it to me.

Balance your Crown Chakra

After you have answered these and other questions you have asked yourself honestly, it is time to quiet your mind, breathe deeply, and relax. Make room for the new in this moment. Wait silently for your inner wisdom to answer or give you guidelines.

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A stressful, angry day negatively affects our energy field, chakras, and physical body

This should be a process of patience and determination, because getting in touch with our answers can also be a very challenging time. If it is too difficult, look for a professional to help you organize your ideas and move on more easily.

Meditation/full attention to the breath is really a great tool for chakra adjustment, and can/should always be used. Practicing physical exercises such as Yoga are also excellent. Doing energy therapies frequently can help immensely in the process of maturing emotions and spiritual development.

Keeping the mind under observation and control to choose the right thoughts are excellent exercises too. Being in touch with nature, with conscious focus on the recovery of the vortex, is lovely and energizing.

Based on the development of my work "Virtues with Conscience", I suggest that you invest in "dedication", a characteristic that brings us more discipline in our daily lives, to reach the point of material and spiritual balance that we long for. This internal posture of dedication and love for you usually produces more focus, centeredness and determination, which will gradually enhance your 7thChakra and much more.


We have seven chakras, which are the energy centers. In them, the consciousness or natural wisdom of life perceives and performs two functions at the same time: it represents itself, as well as our emotions related to it. Thus, we develop the awareness of what is right in our life or what is not. The chakra shows us our unconscious in action.

All these centers are distributed near and along the spinal column. Their shape resembles a satellite dish, and their perception, like a radar. They perceive the world and suffer the impact of events and people around us. They also function as true power plants for the irradiation of energy, emotions, and thoughts.

They are fundamental in regulating our organism, providing harmony and balance between the physical, emotional, and mental, making the connection between the material body and the subjective world.

Therefore, each of the seven chakras holds all the emotions we experience, which immediately affects the physical and energetic results of our day to day life. A stressful day, with a lot of anger, negatively affects our energy field, the chakras, and the physical body.

Now that you have this precious information, it is entirely up to you what you do with it. Nothing that has been said here replaces going to the doctor or undergoing treatments. On the contrary, recovering your Chakra can accelerate any of these healing processes.

I sincerely hope that you will walk a path of consciousness with many joys and accomplishments. May your investigations bring you wonderful achievements.

Namaste! My Being recognizes your Being in all its splendor!

Douglas Harris

Douglas Harris is a seasoned astrologer and writer with over two decades of experience in understanding and interpreting the zodiac. He is known for his deep knowledge of astrology and has helped many people find clarity and insight into their lives through his horoscope readings. Douglas has a degree in astrology and has been featured in various publications, including Astrology Magazine and The Huffington Post. In addition to his astrology practice, Douglas is also a prolific writer, having authored several books on astrology and horoscopes. He is passionate about sharing his knowledge and insights with others and believes that astrology can help people live a more fulfilling and meaningful life. In his free time, Douglas enjoys hiking, reading, and spending time with his family and pets.