Predictions for Virgo in 2022

Douglas Harris 04-06-2023
Douglas Harris

Total focus on relationships! As Virgo 2022 Predictions indicate that this is a year to reflect on whether your relationships are balanced or not, mainly because of the transits of Jupiter.

Here are all the details about the forecasts for Virgo in 2022 made by astrologers Marcia Fervienza and Yub Miranda for love, career and money, health and family for those who have Sun or Ascendant in Virgo.

But remember that you are much more than just your sun sign and ascendant. Your Astrological chart can help you better understand other aspects of your personality and the Personalized Horoscope (which is free here) brings you the trends for your life every time a new transit starts in the day sky throughout the year.

Before you start reading the predictions for Virgo in 2022, save three important guides for you to understand the year:

  • The astrological predictions for 2022 - and learn all about the pandemic and the unstable mood of the year in the collective
  • Save the astrological calendar 2022 complete here
  • Follow the dates and signs of the Moon calendar for 2022 here

Opportunities for Virgo in 2022

Jupiter will be in Pisces This means, for Virgoans, opportunities for expansion and growth will be very much associated with relationships and partnerships.

This is a great time to meet and connect with influential people who see value in you, and who can open doors or serve as bridges for your expansion, whether on a personal or professional level.

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On the other hand, ask yourself about existing relationships, with your partner, friends, clients, partners, employees, or bosses:

To what extent are you giving yourself too much to the other person?

The issue of fairness has everything to do with Jupiter and your area of relationships, so reflections on fair (or not) relationships should be very evident. Take the opportunity to learn all you can about the affective area, whether in courses, by observation, by living, or by talking to other people, including your therapist, about relationships.

When Jupiter passing through Aries in 2022 The focus will be on emotions, sex, money, power, and intimacy, and it will be a preview of 2023 for you!

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The Jupiterian energy added to the Arian energy will call for an emotionally wiser and more expansive attitude to indulge in relationships. The tendency is that Virgoans and Virgoans will be braver to get intimately involved with someone, as well as to risk financial investments.

Important dates:

  • Until January 29th : Venus retrograde in Capricorn can be a time to take leisure, rest, and play more seriously. Take the opportunity to resume an old hobby or spend more time with children. It is important to do well for your inner child with Capricornian commitment.
  • Until May 10 and from October 28 to December 20 Jupiter in Pisces favors relationships and improving your relationships.
  • From May 10 to October 28 : Jupiter in Aries is a good period for emotions, sex, money, power, and intimacy.

Challenges in 2022

Take special care from July 28 to October 28, because Jupiter will be retrograde in Aries before returning to Pisces. During these days, it is ideal to focus less on practice and more on study.

Sex, money, power, and intimacy can be very slow because of Jupiter's retrograde, so try to study and learn more about these subjects, because this knowledge can be very useful for you in 2023.

The eclipses of 2022 For those of Virgo, it is a phase of constructive change in the way you relate to those closest to you, such as siblings, neighbors, or colleagues.

It is super important to take care how you talk to other people - words can be destructive. Take care with contracts too, as problems can surface.

The ruler of Virgo, Mercury, will go retrograde four times in 2022 Therefore, the care with the documentations will have to be redoubled this year.

Your focus on eclipses in Taurus shifts to your attachments, whether to political, religious, philosophical, or existential beliefs or convictions. It is a time when unconscious reproductions can come to the fore, making you realize where you are most lazy or not producing much.

Important dates:

  • April 30 and November 8 Eclipses in Taurus.
  • From May 10 to 22: Mercury Retrograde in Gemini raises issues such as career, profession, and life paths for you. This is a time for you to be very careful about what you say, what you publicly announce, and to avoid conversations with superiors about jobs, salary, and position, it's better to stay on your own.
  • May 16 and October 25: Eclipses in Scorpio.
  • From September 23rd to October 2nd Mercury retrograde in Virgo, a period to review your positioning, the way you think, what you have started, what you communicate, what you speak.
  • October 30 to January 12, 2023 This is an unfavorable time for new initiatives involving career, profession, and life path. Look at the attitudes you have taken so far and how you can improve so that you can move forward, leaving behind what no longer serves. This is not a time to take on a new job or a new position. Leave it until after Mars returns to direct motion.

Love for Virgo in 2022

If relationships are the focus of Virgo in 2022, Love is on the rise. Those who are not in a relationship may meet someone wonderful, traveled, studied, and who you think could be the love of your life.

You are likely to really fall in love and evolve into a serious commitment - if that is your intention.

For those who are already in a commitment, but the relationship is lukewarm, new love options may appear, dispersing attention. This can lead, yes, to a new relationship, but not necessarily.

It could be a time of rebirth for your current relationship, giving it a new lease on life, with more pleasure.

Divorces and separations can occur for Virgo when Jupiter is in Pisces precisely because Jupiter is the planet of dissatisfactions. It is necessary to find a higher purpose, in this or in another relationship. But everything with a lot of dialogue.

The fact is that Jupiter usually brings many good options in the area it passes through. In this case, for Virgoans, it will be especially the field of relationships this year.

Important dates for love:

  • April 12th Jupiter will make a conjunction with Neptune and this can be an especially important day for you to watch out for love disappointments.
  • September 5th to 29th Venus will be in Virgo, and this is generally a beneficial time for both love and money. You will be attracting what you want from what you are. Just be careful, because Mercury will be retrograde in Libra, sign of relationships, so the sky will be with a double energy for love.

Career and Money

Since the beginning of 2021, with the transit of Saturn in Aquarius, those of Virgo must be feeling more overloaded or with a shortage of work. The influence continues in 2022, so it is necessary to have more discipline, commitment, and confidence in innovative ideas and projects, typically Aquarian.

The tip is to try to materialize and bring into your day to day work what is in your mind. Don't waste time just thinking and planning everything down to the smallest detail. Join a friend or take up a banner in your professional environment.

For those who are not working, Saturn calls for resilience. Also, spread your ideas on social media and share that you are looking for a job. With the planet in Aquarius, the power of networking can help in some way in professional terms and bring job opportunity.

Instead of just questioning yourself, take advantage of this period to do something nice for your class, your niche, your company, and then reap the saturnine reward for having dedicated yourself with aquarian intelligence and inventiveness.

Important dates for money:

  • Until January 29th : Venus retrograde in Capricorn is a time to review finances, make necessary cuts and adjustments in finances.
  • From May 10 to October 28 Jupiter enters Aries bringing financial opportunities for those of Virgo, but which suddenly will only become effective in 2023.
  • From September 29th to October 23rd Venus enters Libra after the end of Mercury retrograde, a favorable time for financial gains.
  • From September 9 to October 2: Mercury retrograde in Libra calls for review about the way you handle your possessions and the ability to earn money.

Health Forecasts for Virgo in 2022

In general, no health problems are expected for Virgo in 2022, because Jupiter, the planet of protection, is touching the Sun of Virgoans.

However, you need to pay special attention to the work overload that Saturn can provoke in you, because there can be an impact on your health if there is no organization, rest, and care for your body's limits.

If on the one hand Saturn brings work, on the other hand Jupiter in opposition aspect brings the belief that "I can do it all." So it's important to be aware of your limits and not embrace more than you can. Don't be fooled by a false sense of unlimited energy, vitality and health.

In addition, Saturn invites you to try some new physical activity and change your diet. If you have started something along these lines in 2021, continue and persist, as it will greatly help you to have a more productive vitality.

And since Aquarius is the sign of friends, if you can do an activity together, be it a team sport or going to the gym with a partner, you will be enjoying the best of this Saturn, which calls for discipline and commitment to health, and together with someone you like.

Besides helping the body, it will contribute to your mental health, because it will help slow down that mental whirlwind of Saturn in Aquarius.

Virgo and Family Issues in 2022

The family area should not be directly touched in this year 2022 for those who have Sun or Ascendant in Virgo. At least in the collective. However, it is important to look at your Personalized Horoscope, because it could be that this area is being highlighted depending on your chart.

A point to pay attention to for those who have siblings or even some close cousins is the eclipse. The two moments when it hits Scorpio (May 16 and October 25) can be delicate for the relationship with these people.

You may know their secrets, or be more wary of exposing something intimate to them. There may also be some difficulty in understanding between you and your brother or cousin. This is a time for transforming the relationship with those closest in the family, especially in terms of trust.

Important date:

  • November 16 to December 9 This is a relatively delicate moment, because the Martian energy of action, drive and motivation will be in the midst of a review process.

Douglas Harris

Douglas Harris is a seasoned astrologer and writer with over two decades of experience in understanding and interpreting the zodiac. He is known for his deep knowledge of astrology and has helped many people find clarity and insight into their lives through his horoscope readings. Douglas has a degree in astrology and has been featured in various publications, including Astrology Magazine and The Huffington Post. In addition to his astrology practice, Douglas is also a prolific writer, having authored several books on astrology and horoscopes. He is passionate about sharing his knowledge and insights with others and believes that astrology can help people live a more fulfilling and meaningful life. In his free time, Douglas enjoys hiking, reading, and spending time with his family and pets.