TEST: Which Power Animal do you need right now?

Douglas Harris 17-05-2023
Douglas Harris

Which Power Animal do you need right now? Also called totems, Power Animals are a beautiful tool of the Shamanism (learn all about it here), because it helps us to find our life purpose, as well as to deeply understand our way of being, thinking, and dealing with the challenges that come our way throughout life.

See_also: Meditation for Sleep: How to Relax and Sleep Deeply

The Power Animal is an archetype connected to our conscious and the strength of our instinct. We can call on it in a tense situation, for example, like driving in a storm or a disagreement with someone. In these situations, it will act as a guide. Another example would be to invite it to be more willing and courageous in moments of discouragement or sadness.

The spirit animal you connect with is exactly what you need, bringing the teachings necessary for your personal development. Moreover, it may possess the precise energies and characteristics to help you develop your qualities at this time in your life.

That is, you does not have a single Power Animal all his life, but an animal at each moment of his life .

Want to find out which spirit animal you need to connect with right now? Then take the test below!

TEST: Which Power Animal do you need?

Answer the following questions, marking only one answer on each question. At the end, see how to add up the points for each question and find out which Power Animal you need right now and how to use its power to your advantage.


Do you consider yourself a confident person?

  • a ( ) Yes
  • b ( ) No

Which of these characteristics most suits you?

See_also: Four Angles of the Star Chart
  • a ( ) Laziness
  • b ( ) Impatience
  • c ( ) Shyness
  • d ( ) Vain

Do you consider yourself a person...

  • a ( ) Sympathetic
  • b ( ) Loyal
  • c ( ) Strong
  • d ( ) Intelligent

Which of these circumstances do you find challenging?

  • a ( ) Feeling lonely
  • b ( ) Working with other people for a long period of time
  • c ( ) Staying in one place for a long time
  • d ( ) Work under pressure

With which element of nature do you feel the greatest connection?

  • a ( ) Air
  • b ( ) Earth
  • c ( ) Fire
  • d ( ) Water

How do I prefer to spend my free time?

  • a ( ) Being outdoors hiking or walking in the park
  • b ( ) Doing something creative or manual work
  • c ( ) Playing video games or watching a movie at home
  • d ( ) Meeting friends and going out for fun

Which of these is your biggest flaw?

  • a ( ) Wrath
  • b ( ) Sincerity
  • c ( ) Envy
  • d ( ) Fear

If you could teleport anywhere in the world, where would you go?

  • a ( ) Amazon Rainforest
  • b ( ) Rome
  • c ( ) Cancún
  • d ( ) Patagonia

Which animal adjective describes your love life?

  • a ( ) Wild
  • b ( ) Fun
  • c ( ) Domestic
  • d ( ) Night

For you, animals are...

  • a ( ) Incredible
  • b ( ) Acceptable
  • c ( ) It is worth protecting
  • d ( ) Just like us


Each letter is scored as follows:

  • a = 1
  • b = 2
  • c = 3
  • d = 4


Add up her score, and then check which power animal she fits into:

34 to 28 points - Lion

We know that the most present characteristic of a lion is strength, and it is no different when it appears as a spirit animal. If you scored for the lion, it means that right now you need physical emotional and psychological strength to overcome your challenges.

But the lion does not attack other animals without a specific purpose and does not expose himself to unnecessary risks. He is a strategic animal, who calculates his movements and knows the right moment to act to achieve his goals. In other words, he combines strength with wisdom, which makes him feared and respected by other animals.

If you need the lion's characteristics right now, it is essential to find the cause of your problems, understand your fears and insecurities, and the sad, negative feelings that cause you to act the way you do. Accept the lion's invitation towards that introspection and learn strength and strategy!

27 to 21 points - Lobo

If your score brought the Wolf as a result, you are in need of seeking the wild spirit within you! This characteristic is coming to show that you need to connect with this animal to develop freedom, courage, and a willingness to take risks.

In addition, wolves define a hierarchy that is very respected. Discipline and organization are also very present traits in your personality - and these traits are being asked of you right now.

Although they walk in packs, they prefer to avoid unnecessary fights and forego combat unless it is essential for their survival, such as when they need to feed or defend themselves from attack.

So having the wolf as a spirit animal at some point in life is a beautiful opportunity to learn about the collective and discipline, but at the same time there is a need for individuality, because you never know when you will be alone.

20 to 16 points - Eagle

If you scored for Eagle, this means that right now you need vision and strength, since it is known for its ability to see accurately and for being an expert hunter. In addition, other characteristics displayed by the eagle are courage, speed, and wisdom.

When we connect to the eagle, the main teaching is to broaden our vision and see the whole. As human beings, we have a limited vision, which makes us find big obstacles in small difficulties.

In addition, the Eagle teaches us that we should not act entirely by the mind, for our intuition and instinct must also be taken into consideration at the time we are making choices and decisions.

Even though the eagle uses its keen eyesight to identify its prey from miles away, it moves based on its instinct, along with air direction, to save time and effort when it goes hunting for its prey.

Finally, it teaches us to take the view of the whole and see the bigger picture, not just the step ahead, and to act with courage, respecting our instincts and our feelings. These are precious lessons that the Eagle passes on to us as an animal spirit.

15 to 10 points - Monkey

If you have scored Monkey as an animal spirit for this moment, know that you are in need of grace and energy, as well as agile movements.

This animal moves as if it were dancing through the trees. Its movement is fluid but unpredictable. It moves forward with great confidence and uses its creativity to get around any obstacle that appears on the way. It also has intelligence and mental dexterity as its outstanding characteristics. For the Monkey, every day is a fun adventure.

Monkey is one of the animal spirits linked to Sacred Irreverence. He uses agility and cleverness to get out of the most challenging situations.

The Monkey also brings us the clarity to analyze and see the truth behind appearances. The Monkey opportunely assumes the figure of the cheater to identify who is trying to cheat.

You need to learn from Monkey to get around all adversities with lightness, without losing your good humor and confidence in your own virtues.

9 to 1 points - Turtle

If you have scored the Turtle as a spirit animal for the moment, this means that she has come to teach you to walk your path in peace and follow it with balance and serenity.

The Turtle moves slowly on land, but very quickly in water. You are probably receiving an invitation to take a break from your busy life and look around or within yourself for more lasting solutions.

It is a power animal that represents the path we travel as we embark on our journey through life. The path of the turtle anchors our emotional development in a series of slow steps, but they are long and deep cycles of transformation.

The biggest lesson is that sometimes you may take longer than most to make your change, but the results tend to be lasting and solid.

Douglas Harris

Douglas Harris is a seasoned astrologer and writer with over two decades of experience in understanding and interpreting the zodiac. He is known for his deep knowledge of astrology and has helped many people find clarity and insight into their lives through his horoscope readings. Douglas has a degree in astrology and has been featured in various publications, including Astrology Magazine and The Huffington Post. In addition to his astrology practice, Douglas is also a prolific writer, having authored several books on astrology and horoscopes. He is passionate about sharing his knowledge and insights with others and believes that astrology can help people live a more fulfilling and meaningful life. In his free time, Douglas enjoys hiking, reading, and spending time with his family and pets.