Vaporization of the uterus treats physical and emotional problems

Douglas Harris 17-05-2023
Douglas Harris

The steaming of the uterus is an ancient tradition that consists in exposing the vagina to a steam of hot water, boiled with medicinal herbs. This technique works with the physiological benefits of heat, humidity, and especially the medicinal properties of each herb. The benefits are many, as you can find out in detail below.

Some of them are: increased fertility, improved vaginal lubrication; pain reduction; cleansing of negative memories that are registered in the uterus, such as abortion or sexual traumas; etc.

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The heat emitted by steaming also provides local vasodilation, which increases local absorption and hydrates the vaginal area and uterus, which is great for female intimate health. Steaming has a physiological effect, so all you have to do is blow the steam up into the vagina for the effects to be felt. As the vaginal mucosa is thin and very sensitive, it easily absorbs the properties of the herbs that fall into the bloodstream and act all over the body.

Benefits of vaporization of the uterus

  • It reduces pain, discomfort, and swelling, caused by post-menstrual exhaustion, post-sexual intercourse, post-partum, or even gynecological surgeries.
  • It eases menopausal symptoms.
  • It eases the dryness of the vagina, because of the steam, revitalizing and nourishing the tissue of this region. It also makes the vaginal gland work better, producing more lubrication.
  • It benefits the reproductive system because the heat makes it work better, so it tends to increase fertility.
  • It moisturizes the entire mucosa, softening the tissues of the vagina and uterus, and increases the vitality, nutrition, and vibrancy of the body.
  • It increases the woman's creative potential.
  • It is an adjuvant in the treatment of myoma, ovarian cysts, endometriosis, among other problems in this region.
  • Detoxifies the uterus and vagina.
  • It cleanses discomfort and bad memories experienced by the woman, such as miscarriage or sexual trauma, since it is in the uterus and vaginal canal that these experiences take place. It reconnects the woman with her essence and comforts her in her vulnerability.
  • After intercourse, steam relaxes the pelvic muscles, eliminating any kind of discomfort, pain, or tension.
  • It makes the blood clearer and more fluid. It is worth reinforcing that our blood should not be thick with clots. If this happens to you, it is an indication of poor local energy circulation, a uterus with weak contractions (little muscle tone), and too many local cellular memories (which overload the organ).
  • It helps with healing after pelvic surgery or hysterectomy, and also works as a local soothing agent.


The vaporization not can be done under the conditions below:

  • During menstruation or any kind of bleeding.
  • Vaginal infections or open sores.
  • In pregnancy.
  • If there is any other specific body change that contraindicates contact with heat or steam.

How to do the vaporization of the uterus

Choose the herbs indicated for your case ( see some suggestions of herbs below Then, pour a pan of boiled water over it. Place the bucket between your legs - it is important that you are either naked from the waist down or in a skirt and no panties.

Cover yourself with a blanket to concentrate the steam. If you can adjust the "seat" of the bucket so that you can sit on it, that's even better, as it makes it easier for the steam to reach your vulva. If you can't, stand upright anyway.

Important: The ideal is to use up to five different herbs in each vaporization. More than this, the treatment loses effectiveness. You can also, in the same vaporization, mix herbs that offer different benefits, for treatments of different problems.

Vaporization Therapy Technique

By simply bringing the steam up into the vagina, you can feel the effects of the vaporization of the uterus. However, I teach below a technique to make this moment more therapeutic and effective.

Choose to do the vaporization in a cozy place. Light an incense or use an essential oil ( see here some suggestions of Aromatherapy You can also put on some relaxing music, candles, or whatever your imagination dictates. Provide the most appropriate setting so that you can deeply relax and indulge in the moment.

Reconnect with yourself according to your beliefs, focus on your healing and the benefits you want to achieve.

Meditate while feeling the steam rising, contract your vagina as if "sucking in" the heat and then relax. Do this movement successively, as long as it is comfortable for you, without getting fatigued. Allow yourself to find a perfect rhythm with the contractions of the vagina together with your breathing. This will provide an altered level of consciousness, which makes it easier to understand some aspectsthat you may be holding in the womb, or even provide a deeper level of treatment.

Frequency of use

After doing the vaporization only once, it is already possible to observe some responses from the body.

After doing the vaporization only once, it is already possible to observe some responses from the body.

Some cases, for example, require a higher frequency than others, or even as a preventive measure. Below, I suggest some frequencies of use, depending on the problem. But the ideal is that you consult a specialist in intimate female health to evaluate the ideal number of times for you to perform the technique.

Most of my patients do the vaporization once a week when they come to my office, but in some cases I recommend that they continue at home, in addition to doing it at the office. In short, some do it five times a week for a whole month, others three times a week, and there are still those who do it only once or three times a month in the pre-menstrual phase.

What usually happens with those who try vaporization is that after observing the results and experiencing the sensation that vaporization brings, the woman adopts this technique for the rest of her life.

Which herbs to use?

For menstrual problems

Make one to three vaporizations during the pre-menstrual period, every month, until the symptoms you want to treat are regularized. Herbs indicated: agripalma, artemisia, basil, rosemary, calendula, and chamomile.


Make one to three vaporizations during the pre-menstrual period, every month, until the symptoms you are trying to treat regularize. Herbs indicated: artemisia, oregano, raspberry leaves, and red rose petals.

To ease menopausal symptoms

Make the vaporization according to your needs. Indicated herbs: basil, raspberry leaves, white mallow, sage, and chamomile.

To increase fertility

do the steaming in the pre-ovular and ovular phase ( learn here how to perceive these phases, through your vaginal discharge ) Indicated herbs: rosemary, artemisia, calendula, chamomile, red rose petals, and lavender.


The frequency can be according to the symptoms, whether physical or emotional, as long as there is relief with the use of the technique, using about one to three times a week. Herbs indicated: artemisia, oregano, calendula, and lavender.


In case of cesarean section, vaporization can only be done after the bleeding caused by the surgery has stopped. In case of normal or natural birth, it can be started immediately. Indicated herbs: oregano, rosemary, milleaves, confrei, calendula, and milleaves.

Herbal properties


Great for menstrual cramps and fatigue of the vaginal muscles and uterus. It also helps with all vaginal relaxation.


It helps normalize menstrual flow, and is antifungal and antibacterial.


It increases blood circulation to the reproductive organs, facilitating fertility.


It is a uterine stimulant, which can speed up delayed menstruation and stimulate uterine activity in cases where menstruation is deregulated, helping it to come closer to the normal cycle.


It has cleansing, healing, and anti-inflammatory properties.


It works as a soothing agent for the vaginal tissues.


It is calming and activates circulation

Raspberry leaves

It strengthens, tones, and relaxes the uterus and pelvic muscles.

Red Rose Petals

It provides love, gentleness, and cooling when there is inflammation or any acute process that needs to be soothed.

It also acts as an emotional tranquilizer for the uterus and is astringent for the tissues and genital organs, i.e., besides making the vagina "tighter" to increase pleasure, it also helps to close any wounds in this region.

White Mallow

It improves vaginal dryness, leaving the site more lubricated.


It is astringent and also provides spiritual cleansing.


It is antiseptic, antispasmodic, sedative, and relaxing.

A Thousand Leaves

See_also: How to get over your ex? Energetic divorce helps to undo love ties

It has astringent, antibacterial, and cleansing properties.

Test: The health of your vaginal musculature

The steaming of the uterus can also be used in conjunction with pompoarism as a relaxation technique, if your pelvic floor muscles are tense and need to relax. Evaluate, in this test, the health of your vaginal musculature.

Douglas Harris

Douglas Harris is a seasoned astrologer and writer with over two decades of experience in understanding and interpreting the zodiac. He is known for his deep knowledge of astrology and has helped many people find clarity and insight into their lives through his horoscope readings. Douglas has a degree in astrology and has been featured in various publications, including Astrology Magazine and The Huffington Post. In addition to his astrology practice, Douglas is also a prolific writer, having authored several books on astrology and horoscopes. He is passionate about sharing his knowledge and insights with others and believes that astrology can help people live a more fulfilling and meaningful life. In his free time, Douglas enjoys hiking, reading, and spending time with his family and pets.