To dream of a lion: what does it mean?

Douglas Harris 01-06-2023
Douglas Harris

To dream of a lion has different meanings depending on the context of the dream. Symbolically, lions have always been associated with strength, strength, courage, nobility, honor, instincts, but also with violence, competitiveness, fighting and domination.

Therefore, in dreams, they can appear in numerous forms, and each context will allow us a different understanding. Being attacked by a lion will have different implications than a trapped, solitary lion.

Hence the need to observe the complexity of this symbolism and in what phase of life we are in, for dreams are messages from the unconscious, and knowing how to interpret them can be an important tool for self-knowledge.

Here's how to understand what it means to dream of a lion.

To dream of a lion: is it good or bad?

Rarely will the meaning be only positive or negative. If there is dedication to the issues that the dream brought up, what initially may have appeared as a "bad omen" can generate positive transformations.

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In the case of dreaming of a lion, it is important to think about what the symbol means. Lions are extremely powerful and majestic creatures It is no wonder that they are called the Kings of the Forest or Jungle, although they live mostly in savannas and regions with low plant density. They are the only wild feline with gregarious habits that live in groups.

One of the most striking features of lions, specifically males, is the mane that functions as a form of imposing and intimidating opponents .

But life for lions is not easy at all. Although they are fully equipped to hunt, only 30% of their ventures are successful.

In lion society, the roles are well defined, with one leader who stands out for his strength and who is responsible for group protection There are the males that submit to this force, and the females that jointly hunt and care for the offspring.

Another striking characteristic is the roars that can be heard from miles away and serve to show their presence, to determine their territory, and to communicate with the pack during the hunt.

Culturally, lions have always been in evidence in various cultures such as Egypt, India, and China, where they have always been a source of inspiration for the arts, and can be found:

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  • in mythology as The Lion of Judah

  • in tales such as The Lion of Nemea
  • in Astrology as the constellation and sign of Leo
  • already in the Tarot it appears in the card of strength
  • and even in cartoons, such as The Lion King and The Gutless Lion from The Wizard of Oz
  • as well as songs.

In all forms, it appears as a symbol of strength and courage. In dreams, the lion also has this symbolism, but depending on the context, it can be the lack of action or expression of your intuition, for example. So, next, let's understand the dream better before going to its meaning.

How to understand the meaning of dreaming of a lion

Dreaming of a lion is hardly a reproduction of something real that you are going through, because we don't usually encounter lions in everyday life. But, yes, the dream may be an amplification of something you are experiencing.

For this reason, some questions can help in this process of understanding the dream's symbolism, facilitating self-reflection and stimulating the person to make associations with what they live in everyday life or with situations they have already experienced.

And, above all, to bring the interpretation to reality and be able to take some action.


  • What does this lion look like?
  • What is the temperament of this lion like?
  • Is it only 1 lion, several lions and lionesses?
  • Does the dreamer interact with or observe the symbol?
  • How do you feel in contact with this figure?


  • Do I face my challenges with courage and grit, or do I become violent in the face of adversity?
  • Do I pay attention to my instincts and intuition?
  • Is my strength for protection or for destruction?
  • Do I intimidate my opponents honorably or do I try to dominate them at any cost?


The meaning of dreaming of a lion depends on the context and what happens in the lion dream. Below, see some of the main interpretations of what it is to dream of a lion.

To dream of a lion attacking

To dream of a lion attacking you may inform that there are psychic aspects that are out of control and that threaten the psychic balance of the dreamer. His instincts turn against himself.

To dream of a tame lion

To dream of a tame and domesticated or caged lion may demonstrate that the dreamer has his instincts under control, but it may also indicate that the naturalness of these aspects is compromised or blunted.

To dream of a lion in a circus

To dream of a lion in a circus may indicate that instincts have been suppressed and the dreamer is acting in an unnatural way, outside of his true nature.

Or it could mean that you are being forced to act in this way, whether you are aware of this context or not.

To dream of a free lion

To dream of a free lion in a savannah may point out that the dreamer has his instincts preserved and knows how to express them in an appropriate way.

Douglas Harris

Douglas Harris is a seasoned astrologer and writer with over two decades of experience in understanding and interpreting the zodiac. He is known for his deep knowledge of astrology and has helped many people find clarity and insight into their lives through his horoscope readings. Douglas has a degree in astrology and has been featured in various publications, including Astrology Magazine and The Huffington Post. In addition to his astrology practice, Douglas is also a prolific writer, having authored several books on astrology and horoscopes. He is passionate about sharing his knowledge and insights with others and believes that astrology can help people live a more fulfilling and meaningful life. In his free time, Douglas enjoys hiking, reading, and spending time with his family and pets.