The Element of Water: meaning, characteristics and combinations

Douglas Harris 30-10-2023
Douglas Harris

O element Water is one of the four elements of the astrological signs, along with Fire, Earth, and Air. Here, emotion speaks louder.

Water people, that is, people born under the signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces And the connection, in this case, is not only with their own emotions, but also with those of others.

It is hard not to remember a friend or relative with these peculiarities, isn't it? In this text, you will learn more about these characteristics, how Water appears in each sign, and how it combines with other elements.

The characteristics of the Water element

People of the Water element usually develop a strong instinctive intuition, ignoring the rational. Thus, easily, guide their actions by their emotions.

According to the astrologer Leonardo Lemos, "Water walks a more discreet and profound path. It captures the environment, feels and nurtures it through imagination". Caring and facing fears and insecurities are present in the personality of Water people.

On the other hand, Leonardo warns about the lack of this element in the Astrological Chart. "People with Water deficiency may have a personality that is more disconnected from their emotions and needs." Click here to make your free Astrological Map.

Water Signs

It is never too much to remember that, although the element is the same, each of the Water signs - Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces - has its own particularities. This happens because they have the Sun in different houses of the Astrological Chart. Learn more about them:


People of the sign of Cancer have a tendency to sensitivity and affection They are sensitive, emotional, and usually have strong ties to family and the past - they can even fall into melancholy.

They can be very attached to those around them, especially to those they love. Instinctive, Cancerians guide their actions by their feelings, and when immature, they can end up being manipulative.

Cancer has Moon as its ruler, which reinforces the sign's maternal/paternal profile and also signals possible emotional swings. Learn all about the sign of Cancer.


Intensity is perhaps the best way to start describing the Scorpio person, but the characteristics don't stop there. Intuition, strength, and the ability to reinvent oneself r are also part of his personality.

Scorpio men and women are usually very passionate, generous, and very connected with their feelings. However, these characteristics, in imbalance, can develop possessive and obsessive behavior.

See_also: The uniqueness of the sign of Aquarius

Mars and Pluto are the rulers of Scorpio, the former emphasizing strategic aggressiveness, while the latter the sign's relationship with death and rebirth. Learn all about the Sign of Scorpio.


Piscians usually identify themselves with sensitivity and intuition They tend to be empathetic and humble people, always seeking to perceive the whole through themselves, with a strong capacity for understanding and compassion.

It is common for Pisces people to give too much importance to their dreams and to what is not yet real. They are also romantic, and this combination can lead to platonic love affairs or romantic disappointments (but then again, who has never?)

Pisces has Jupiter and Neptune as rulers. On the one hand, Jupiter emphasizes the look toward spirituality. On the other hand, Neptune brings the great potential for fantasy and imagination.

Learn all about the Sign of Pisces.

The combinations of the Water element

According to astrologer Vanessa Tuleski, "the need for emotional security of the Water is harmonious with the search for material security of the Earth," so we can say that these are complementary elements.

The Air acts by what it thinks, the Water by what it feels. The Air is more comfortable in the mind, the Water in the emotions. The Air disengages more easily, the Water does not," explains Vanessa.

The goal should be the search for balance: the emotion of Water with the reason of Air.

See_also: What kind of a mother-in-law are you?

Water and other elements

Astrologer Alexey Dodsworth has analyzed the astrological charts of various personalities and demonstrated how the combination of the Water element with the others works in practice:

  • Fire + Water = intuitive feeling / sentimental intuition
  • Air + Water = sentimental thinking / intellectual feeling
  • Earth + Water = sentimental feeling / sensory feeling

The last item brings as an example the singer Elis Regina, born with the Sun in Pisces and Ascendant and Saturn in Cancer (both Water); on the other hand, she has the Moon and Venus in Taurus and Jupiter in Virgo (Earth signs).

Click here to see all the examples of combinations of elements in personalities.

Curiosity: the origin of the elements of the signs

Finally, do you know why Fire, Earth, Air, and Water are the astrological elements?

For the ancients, among them the philosopher Aristotle (384 B.C. - 322 B.C.), interpreted reality as if everything was made up of these four elements. This is what astrologer Alexey Dodsworth tells us: "For these philosophers, there was a precise division between our world and the sky, a division of a metaphysical nature."

Today, we know that this is not how it works. But the four elements were seen as a perfect metaphor for the structure of reality. "Let's consider, for example, the four fundamental human needs: water to drink, food (which comes from the earth), air to breathe, and light/heat (which comes from the sun). Remove any one of these elements, and human existence (and that of mostanimals) becomes unfeasible," Alexey analyzes.

In this way, the astrologer also shows the importance of the set of elements, without singling out any one element: "Only together do the elements achieve their true power," he concludes.

Even, in a very playful way, Alexey Dodsworth demonstrated how Fire, Earth, Air, and Water are present in music and movies. Click here to understand more about this.

Now that you know a lot about the Water element, read more about Fire, Earth, and Air.

Douglas Harris

Douglas Harris is a seasoned astrologer and writer with over two decades of experience in understanding and interpreting the zodiac. He is known for his deep knowledge of astrology and has helped many people find clarity and insight into their lives through his horoscope readings. Douglas has a degree in astrology and has been featured in various publications, including Astrology Magazine and The Huffington Post. In addition to his astrology practice, Douglas is also a prolific writer, having authored several books on astrology and horoscopes. He is passionate about sharing his knowledge and insights with others and believes that astrology can help people live a more fulfilling and meaningful life. In his free time, Douglas enjoys hiking, reading, and spending time with his family and pets.