What does it mean to dream about people?

Douglas Harris 31-10-2023
Douglas Harris

Dreaming about people - whether known, unknown, living, dead or famous - is a common and frequent occurrence in almost every dream. Just as each component of the dream (scenario, object, animal, action) portrays the dreamer, it is no different about who we dream about. However, there are some details that can help us a lot to understand the meanings of each specific person dreamed about.

The first of these - and the most complex - is divided into two parts and each deserves a type of questioning:

1 - If the dream is about a known person (be it a famous person, a person from our daily life, or a deceased person)

This first part can be better understood with the help of the following questions: What is the most remarkable phase that this person has gone through in his/her life or is going through? What has this person experienced or is experiencing that has called (or calls) you a lot of attention? Has this person been fired? Has he/she gotten divorced? Has he/she been approved in a contest? Has he/she had a child? Has he/she overcome a loss? Has he/she changed course or job?

So when this person appears in our dream, it tends to represent that type of situation or attitude that we are experiencing and that are similar to theirs. Let's take an example. A man dreamed about an acquaintance of his. Recently, in real life, this woman experienced motherhood, having a child. And it was something so intense in her life that it generated a significant change in behaviorThis could mean that the fact that the man dreamed about her indicates his potential to create something remarkable (such as a new professional, creative or artistic project, "as if it were" the child she bore) or to begin a new phase in which he will take better care of his nutrition.

Remember, the dream language is based on "as if", that is, having dreamed about this acquaintance, it is as if the man adopted attitudes similar to those of the person in situations that may or may not be identical to those he lived or lives in. If they are positive attitudes, great, keep developing them and expressing them. If they are negative, be careful not to act as this person negatively acted.

2 - You also need to question yourself

What are the characteristics of this person that most attract your attention? What do you admire most about him/her? What irritates and bothers you most about his/her appearance, style, and personality?

So, if you dream about the former Brazilian national team coach Luís Felipe Scolari, for example, you need to ask yourself what qualities and defects in his personality cause you the most admiration and irritation. It doesn't matter if what you consider positive or negative in his way of being is real, true or reported in the media. The ideal is for you to simply base yourself on whatthat you see, notice and feel in relation to that person.

And, after that, the ideal is to notice if you are not in a phase where you need to be careful not to reproduce these defects in your daily life, and in what way you have tried to develop and express in your daily life what is admirable in the person you dream of.

To Dream of Acquaintances

The second detail about dreaming about people revolves around reflecting about our relationship, in real life, with the person who appeared in our dream. Of course, this only applies if the person is known to us, in which case the dream may be showing us which adjustments need to be made in the relationship we have with a certain person.

In this case, the act of dreaming may be showing what adjustments need to be made in the relationship we have with a certain person.

If it is someone with whom you have some sort of bond, observe how your interaction was in the dream. Let's assume that in the dream this person is cheating on you and you realize that they will betray you. Then observe to what extent you have betrayed yourself in real life by not being aware of certain behavioral habits (such as a great difficulty in trusting others). Or in what way the factthat you don't develop an admirable attitude toward the personality of the dream person is not hindering your process of self-knowledge and self-realization in life. After all, this is also a form of betraying yourself.

Dreaming of an ex

If this is a person with whom you have had a relationship, such as an ex-boyfriend or ex-friend, it is important to note that you are not behaving in the same way as you did when you were in that relationship.

For example, if you were very jealous of the person, and this greatly hindered the bond between you, or if you did not dedicate yourself affectionately to the person, being distant and more focused on friends. Therefore, it will be important to analyze to what extent you are not repeating this same pattern of behavior in your current affective relationship, which can end up generating the same effects or results.a warning from the unconscious to change your attitude and do something different, if you want to have a more satisfying alliance with those you are currently in a relationship with.

Check out the meanings of other common dreams

To Dream of Strangers

If the dream is about an unknown person, this person may represent a facet of our personality that we are not yet aware of.

If the dream is about an unknown person, this person may represent a facet of our personality that we are not yet aware of.

Perhaps attitudes or habits that we are beginning to develop and express.

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Our interaction with this person in the dream will reveal much about what we need to do to deal with this facet that they represent about us and our life. For example, if this person that we cannot see their face or identify who they are is acting in a very passive or submissive way to the others in the dream, they tend to prompt us to ask the following questions: am I claiming myDo I comfortably let the person in my relationship make the decisions regarding our life together? Do I end up cancelling myself out for the sake of the other in order to avoid conflict or even separation?

So, when someone appears in our dreams (whether known or not), we need to observe what the person's characteristics are (qualities, defects), as well as their phase in life and the way we interact with them (both in real life and in the dream). And follow the script of questions written above to get indications of what to change in our behavior. In this way, we will be able to act in a moremature with it in real life (if it is known and present in our daily life) or in our other social contacts.

See_also: What does it mean to dream of a witch?

Douglas Harris

Douglas Harris is a seasoned astrologer and writer with over two decades of experience in understanding and interpreting the zodiac. He is known for his deep knowledge of astrology and has helped many people find clarity and insight into their lives through his horoscope readings. Douglas has a degree in astrology and has been featured in various publications, including Astrology Magazine and The Huffington Post. In addition to his astrology practice, Douglas is also a prolific writer, having authored several books on astrology and horoscopes. He is passionate about sharing his knowledge and insights with others and believes that astrology can help people live a more fulfilling and meaningful life. In his free time, Douglas enjoys hiking, reading, and spending time with his family and pets.