Tarot: Meaning of the Arcane "The World

Douglas Harris 30-10-2023
Douglas Harris

This content refers to the result of the Quiz: Which Tarot Arcane represents your moment If this was the card that appeared most in your answers, see below the teaching that it brings to your life.

See_also: Meaning of the New Year's Colors: see which one is yours!
  • Virtues: excellence, friendship and balance
  • Vices: indifference, selfishness and obstinacy


You are a brilliant, lucky, conscientious, intelligent and sincere person. Someone governed by this Arcane stands out for their achievements and even for who they are. With due naturalness, you reach the top without much effort. Even if you act quietly, you are always making people talk. This card governs popular people, those who are always seen in the spotlight, regardless of whatCircumstances cause you to be on the move, whether traveling the world, or even on unexpected journeys, searching for your place. You are the kind of person who tends to feel at home wherever you are, and this detachment makes you stronger and stronger, because the world really becomes yours.


The need for movement is important, but it must be kept in balance. Not everyone has your rhythm to move from one place to another or even between one ideal and another. What matters is to see the world as your home, always respecting the people who live with you. Your greatness must also be emotional, taking care not only of your appearance and influence on others, but alsoCherish promising relationships, not just networking.

See_also: Baguá in Feng Shui: What it is and how to apply it

Douglas Harris

Douglas Harris is a seasoned astrologer and writer with over two decades of experience in understanding and interpreting the zodiac. He is known for his deep knowledge of astrology and has helped many people find clarity and insight into their lives through his horoscope readings. Douglas has a degree in astrology and has been featured in various publications, including Astrology Magazine and The Huffington Post. In addition to his astrology practice, Douglas is also a prolific writer, having authored several books on astrology and horoscopes. He is passionate about sharing his knowledge and insights with others and believes that astrology can help people live a more fulfilling and meaningful life. In his free time, Douglas enjoys hiking, reading, and spending time with his family and pets.