The elements of the signs: the meanings of Fire, Earth, Air and Water?

Douglas Harris 17-05-2023
Douglas Harris

Do you know the relationship between the elements of the signs The 12 astrological signs are divided among four elements: Fire, Earth, Air, and Water.

Thus, the sequence in the zodiac is always Fire, Earth, Air and Water, because everything begins as an inspiration (Fire), which materializes (Earth), spreads (Air) and then dilutes (Water).

Elements of the signs and their meanings

Each element responds to internal functions of ours, and some may be more developed and visible than others.

In a very simplified way, we can say that the nature of each of the astrological elements are as follows:

Fire and its signs:

  • Signs of this element: Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius;
  • Fire characteristics: enthusiasm, creativity, and self-esteem.

Earth and its signs:

  • Signs of this element: Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn;
  • Earth characteristics: practicality, capacity for achievement, and ability to deal with reality

Air and its signs:

  • Signs of this element: Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius;
  • Air characteristics: thoughtfulness, sociability, and mental clarity.

Water and its signs:

  • Signs of this element: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces;
  • Water Characteristics: connection with one's own and others' emotions.

What are complementary elements?

Then, from the above sequence, pairs are formed on the zodiacal wheel, which will always connect a Fire sign to an Air sign, and an Earth sign to a Water sign. This is what is called "complementary elements".

It can be said, then, that the ardor and idealism of Fire is compatible with the sociability and curiosity of Air, while Earth's search for material security, in turn, is harmonious with Water's need for emotional security.

It is therefore important to understand that the true opposition between the signs and their elements is between Fire (intuition) and Earth (sensation), and between Air (reason) and Water (emotion). By explaining the functions, you will understand why. Learn more here about the combination of the elements and see examples.

Elements of the signs: the dynamics between Fire and Earth

Fire has, basically, an idealistic and colorful view of life. Every person who believes in ideals can have this element in prominence, which also generates a strong creative potential.

Earth, on the other hand, is responsible for material matters. People who have this element in prominence soon understand how things work and try to adapt to them. There is a realism, in contrast to the idealism of Fire.

Fire is bold and believes in leaps and bounds, Earth believes in the laws of probability.

Balance between Fire and Earth

A person can have these two elements very strongly. He can be highly idealistic (Fire) and constructive (Earth). He can be practical in material things (like fitting into the job market, taking care of his health) and also bold and creative.

In other words, it is more common to have people who are very idealistic but not practical, and people who are practical but have dreams and ideals that fade under the weight of excessive pragmatism.

Finding a balance between the two elements is a challenge. Fire is driven by ideals, and Earth by evidence.

Fire and Earth in excess

Fire believes in enchanted princes/princesses, frogs and heroes. This can sometimes be excessive.

But the Earth, in its excess, can also be conformist and accept what comes and what it has. "My partner is pretty average, but that's what I have, even though I'm not in love with him/her", can be a line from someone who is living the Earth in excess.

In this way, an excessive Fire line can fall into the opposite: "I don't like anything that's out there," whether in relation to work, love, or friendships.

Elements of the signs: the dynamics between Air and Water

Like Fire and Earth, Air and Water are also different elements. Air likes the mind, to be stimulated intellectually, and to exchange with other people.

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The head is the guide of the Air, an element that also needs stimulus and space.

Air is our social life, friends, acquaintances, social networks, news, books, etc. Water is our intimate side: family, home, close people, warmth.

Water is also our emotion, something like "I don't know if it's right or wrong, but it's how I feel".

Balancing Air and Water

Air acts by what it thinks, Water by what it feels. It also tends to be more comfortable in the mind, while Water is more comfortable in the emotions. Also, Air disengages more easily, Water does not.

While Air says: "Despite my feelings, I will separate from you because my head tells me to do so", Water says: "Despite my thoughts pointing to factors contrary to staying together, my feelings won't let me separate from you".

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Another difference is impersonality. The Air tends to be more objective: "I like this person, but I know he is like this, with such and such qualities.

So she also takes things less personally, because she deals with general models. It is part of Ar to love to accumulate knowledge.

Excess Water and Air

Water, in its excess, denies evidence: "No, my child is not this or that that which everyone is saying about him/her, he/she is wonderful.

However, Air in its excess also cuts off emotional flow and compassion, even towards oneself. Everything is the rational, everything is the head.

In short, important feelings and needs may be denied in this process. Difficulty in connecting may be something connected to the Air.

He is good at connecting on the surface, but has more difficulty with deep bonds, in showing and experiencing emotions that can sometimes be arduous, and in dealing with vulnerability - territory, in turn, where Water is entirely at ease.

Can elements of the signs change over time?

It is important to understand that time can also change the balance of the elements.

Therefore, a person suffering from too much idealism (Fire in imbalance) and too little practicality can, starting in his thirties or forties, rebalance the elements inwardly.

Thus, it learns from Earth's abilities to fit better into reality, sowing and reaping better material results.

In this way, someone who was very much guided by reality can also later awaken to his Fire side, full of elements such as his essence, dreams and passions.

Elements of the signs help us to know our strengths and weaknesses

So, in my experience, by understanding how the principles linked to the elements work within you, it is possible to identify your strengths and weaknesses.

For example: "I know that I am slower with practical and material things; outside of my regular work, I am slow to schedule exams and do things that depend on arrangements." The Earth is the element that gives connection with the material world.

An individual with Fire as his least strong element, on the other hand, is very much guided by external models, because he finds security only in them.

On the other hand, the self-confident idealist is already a Fire type, but who sometimes suffers from not fitting into reality, which is an Earth thing.

Seeking balance throughout life with the elements of the signs

In this way, the ideal is that, throughout your life, you try to improve on the element that would be your weak point.

The very earthy person, on the other hand, may have a hobby in which they can manifest their creativity. Here, you can find out which hobby is right for you.

In turn, the very idealistic but impractical person needs to learn to achieve what he or she wants, whether in the field of friendships, relationships, work, or money.

Sometimes, for example, the person has become more practical with work and money, but not in the rest. A sign that he still needs to deal better with the element that is not his strong point.

Douglas Harris

Douglas Harris is a seasoned astrologer and writer with over two decades of experience in understanding and interpreting the zodiac. He is known for his deep knowledge of astrology and has helped many people find clarity and insight into their lives through his horoscope readings. Douglas has a degree in astrology and has been featured in various publications, including Astrology Magazine and The Huffington Post. In addition to his astrology practice, Douglas is also a prolific writer, having authored several books on astrology and horoscopes. He is passionate about sharing his knowledge and insights with others and believes that astrology can help people live a more fulfilling and meaningful life. In his free time, Douglas enjoys hiking, reading, and spending time with his family and pets.