What does it mean to dream of a scorpion?

Douglas Harris 30-10-2023
Douglas Harris

To dream of a scorpion may represent, on a symbolic level, the need to perceive and reflect on our instinctive actions, that is, our reactions to the events that happen in our lives.

Check out more details below to better understand what you dreamed.

Reflect on the context of dreaming of a scorpion

  • What does this scorpion look like?
  • Is there any interaction of the dreamer with this symbol?
  • What emotions does he evoke in the dream?
  • What actions does the scorpion have in the dream?

Reflect on what your unconscious mind may be signaling when you dream of a scorpion

  • How do I react when I feel threatened? What affects and destabilizes me? Do I feel constantly threatened by external and/or internal situations?
  • What threatens my convictions? Do I cling to ideas or beliefs that I only change when they become too painful and unbearable?
  • Are my responses to life and situations overly defensive?
  • What obstacles stand between my defense needs and my ability to maintain my center? How can I defend myself by acting and not reacting to stimuli outside of myself?

Understand possible applications of dreaming of a scorpion:

To dream that you are in contact with a scorpion

To come into contact with the symbol of the scorpion in a dream is to touch or be touched by the more instinctive, gloomy and reactive dimension of the psyche, although this can be experienced as something positive by the dreamer. In addition, contacts with one's own sensitivity and psychic depth can also be considered in understanding this symbol.

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To dream that you are stung by a scorpion

Being stung by the scorpion in a dream can be fatal, that is, it can indicate that, by a painful route, the dreamer is being forced to change attitudes and beliefs.

To dream that the scorpion protects an object

A scorpion that "guards" and protects an object places itself as an obstacle, an impediment to accessing a certain psychic instance without some kind of revision or correction.

To dream that you are playing with a scorpion

Stroking or playing with scorpions can indicate more intimacy and closeness with the instincts, one's own inner nature, and the dreamer's sensitivity to self and others.

Connection with the physical world

Scorpions are nocturnal arachnids with very discreet habits. They have existed on the planet for a long time and have a resistant physical structure, although they are extremely sensitive to all kinds of vibrations, thanks to the little hairs on their bodies.

The life of scorpions is kthonic, that is, belonging to the earth and its rhythms and vibrations, therefore, it is more instinctive, linked to the unconscious. They live to hunt, reproduce and protect themselves. When we come across this symbol in a dream, we can think of this more instinctive dimension in ourselves, in what is at the basis of our reactions.

Sensitivity and self-defense

In Astrology, for example, the sign of Scorpio also offers some themes for reflection on the symbol, such as sensitivity, reactivity, the unconscious poisonous attitude, and the psychic powers granted by the perceptive and deep mind.

The sting of a scorpion is reported to be extremely painful and, in many cases, lethal. Scorpions in general do not seek mayhem or attack for no reason; they need to feel highly threatened. So we see that he refers us to a primal need for self-defense that is his own.

Our Experts

- Thaís Khoury has a degree in Psychology from Universidade Paulista, with post-graduate studies in Analytical Psychology. She uses dream interpretation, kalatonia and creative expression in her treatments.

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- Yubertson Miranda, who majored in Philosophy at PUC-MG, is a symbologist, numerologist, astrologer, and tarologist.

Douglas Harris

Douglas Harris is a seasoned astrologer and writer with over two decades of experience in understanding and interpreting the zodiac. He is known for his deep knowledge of astrology and has helped many people find clarity and insight into their lives through his horoscope readings. Douglas has a degree in astrology and has been featured in various publications, including Astrology Magazine and The Huffington Post. In addition to his astrology practice, Douglas is also a prolific writer, having authored several books on astrology and horoscopes. He is passionate about sharing his knowledge and insights with others and believes that astrology can help people live a more fulfilling and meaningful life. In his free time, Douglas enjoys hiking, reading, and spending time with his family and pets.