Reconsecration of the womb can transform love life

Douglas Harris 31-05-2023
Douglas Harris

A Belly Reconsecration In this technique, you activate your body to free yourself from castrating, limiting beliefs, religious, cultural, or family repressions, as well as from hurt, guilt, hatred, and insecurity, among many others.

The womb is responsible for storing the cellular memories of what we experienced in love, It also records our sexuality, flirtations, first kiss, first menstruation, among many other remarkable episodes.

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Of course, each woman is unique in her story and responses, However, something quite common is that, when doing the experiences, most women feel cramps, like the typical menstrual cramps.

During the years that I have been doing this work There are many signs that give credibility to the technique.

Cleansing the uterus and the health of the body

The accumulated negative emotions tend to concentrate in the uterus Thus, it harms the organism, generating an unregulated menstrual cycle, increasingly stronger menstrual cramps, and even fibroids, polycystic ovary, among many other dysfunctions, according to Maitreyi Piontek (a sexologist who has studied female sexuality for more than 25 years).

How do I know if my uterus is okay?

Our body always gives signals, and the uterus is no different. When this organ works perfectly, we can feel love more easily, without too many restraints.

More practically, you have indications that your uterus is well If you have already reached menopause, the symptoms are mild or comfortable.

You feel creative, feel good about your libido, express yourself well sexually in bed or in behaviors as you want. You have no organic or physical changes related to the uterus, ovaries, vagina, vulva, or hormones.

The uterus gestates, breeds and guards, correct? Therefore, it is easily a filter that also keeps negative energies from the collective. This, by the way, is another reason to constantly cleanse your uterus, be it in reconsagration of the womb, with the use of yoni egg, or also helping menstruation to flow better by pomponing the blood out with more force and intention of emotional cleansing.

However, always respecting your menstrual moment of greatest tranquility during the entire cycle. All this will help in the reconsagration of the womb.

Frequency of Belly Reconsecration

Every woman needs to do this at least once in her life. Especially when you have energetic blockages from your uterus, some pathology, many obstacles in love or in your behavior and thoughts.

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After the end of a relationship, it is important to cleanse the uterus to eliminate what energy experts call miasmas. It is like defining energetic germs from others that stay in your uterus and vagina.

Some people even feel Your genital scent changes with each person that accesses your intimacy. With each person a new scent, a new energy. When you become aware of this, think before you get sexually involved with someone. After all, your energy will change forever and so will your scent.

It is good to do Womb Reconsecration after major changes in your life The technique can accelerate the process of change, generating a tide of opportunities, as if everything were in a queue just waiting for space to enter.

The ideal time for reconsecration is during menstruation, However, it can be done at any stage of the cycle.

Indicated situations for Womb Reconsecration

If you have ended a relationship, but can't detach from the person If you still relapse even though you don't rationally want to, or if you hold anger or grudges, the technique can do you good.

Post-abortion situations are also indicated. I went through a miscarriage and took advantage of Belly Reconsecration and pompoarism so that I didn't need any medical intervention. It all happened naturally and with a lot of connection and acceptance, even of the suffering. It was a unique and physically effective experience of all elimination.

How to do Belly Reconsecration?

Reconsecration needs to be guided. There is a ritual. First you prepare the environment to connect to the emotions. Then you use various materials to facilitate the dynamics and understanding of the brain so that it enters into the process, making the physiology react.

You need to prepare the environment, make it clean, organized and comfortable. You can use dim or colored lights to bring a mood that is more conducive to visual stimuli, a relaxing song, or music that stimulates your emotions.

Sit up straight and begin to connect with your uterus. Notice what is stored there and what it feels. Go on connecting to each emotion. Then resignify the emotions, the situations, until you begin to give thanks and fill your womb with positive emotions.

It is interesting to draw or write down everything you saw and felt. This is the summary sequence of what we do, but in fact each of these phases carries a number of particular practices, if you want the fullest and deepest experience.

The origin of the Reconsecration of the Belly

This ancient technique was already practiced by our ancestors In the Taoist tradition, the uterus is called the heavenly palace and can represent either paradise or hell. It depends on what she turned the organ into. In the Chinese tradition, it is called "the sea of blood", "blood chamber" or "protected palace".

In face-to-face or online consultations, I perform belly reconsagration, It is also possible to have this experience in my Pompoarism workshop at Personare.

Douglas Harris

Douglas Harris is a seasoned astrologer and writer with over two decades of experience in understanding and interpreting the zodiac. He is known for his deep knowledge of astrology and has helped many people find clarity and insight into their lives through his horoscope readings. Douglas has a degree in astrology and has been featured in various publications, including Astrology Magazine and The Huffington Post. In addition to his astrology practice, Douglas is also a prolific writer, having authored several books on astrology and horoscopes. He is passionate about sharing his knowledge and insights with others and believes that astrology can help people live a more fulfilling and meaningful life. In his free time, Douglas enjoys hiking, reading, and spending time with his family and pets.