The Meaning of Illness and Family Constellation

Douglas Harris 03-06-2023
Douglas Harris

The study of meaning of diseases Homeopathy tries to take the focus away from the simple elimination of symptoms to a broader understanding of the systemic process involved.

Psychosomatics relates the unconscious processes involved in generating physical symptoms for relief from unobserved emotional pain.

In systemic psychotherapy it is possible to notice that some people get entangled in other people's destinies, limiting their life possibilities and contributing to maintain their symptoms.

Family Constellation and the Orders of Love

Family constellations, on the other hand, are supported by several areas of psychology studies, but works with some natural laws called the Orders of Love.

These laws if disregarded can generate harmful effects to one or more members of a family, and can even generate symptoms as a form of reparation and/or atonement for the family system.

Thus, the purpose of this article is to bring, from the perspective of family constellations, some symptoms that are mostly related to systemic entanglements and non-compliance with systemic laws.

Some meanings of diseases

To be congruent with the systemic view, it is important to infer that this will only be a generalized clipping, and each case must be taken into account particularly within its context and structure.

Consider it a starting point for those who wish to do a deeper reflection about some specific symptom that accompanies them. All the processes described are unconscious movements.

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Headache or Migraine: The person refuses to take one of the parents (or both), which causes an internal pressure that externalizes itself in intense headaches.

Schizophrenia : As a rule, schizophrenia is related to a covert death, usually a murder in the family. The psychotic person suffers, but the whole family is bewildered, because the victim and the perpetrator must be included in the heart.

This is another level of looking in which there are no moral judgments, but in the eyes of the All, everyone has the same place, the same importance.

Bulimia or Anorexia: Most of the time the background of bulimia has to do with the mother rejecting the father of her child. The son, out of loyalty to both, finds the possibility of resolving the conflict by "eating" for the mother and "vomiting" for the father.

There may also be a conflict between going and staying (which relates to the desire to follow someone in death). In the case of anorexia, there may be an intention to die in place of a parent as an unconscious process of salvation and self-sacrifice.

Insomnia: It usually refers to excessive vigilance usually related to the mother. There is a fear or worry that a family member will leave or die while the person is sleeping, as if the person is making sure nothing bad happens.

Depression: can occur when we do something to the father or mother, or reject both. So we must respect the law of order and address them from our place, small before them.

Vices: There can also be a dynamic of inclusion of an important man in the family who has died, or the desire to follow someone in death.

Fibromyalgia: In some constellations with women with fibromyalgia, anger was a present feeling.

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Sometimes it can be the anger of a child who lost a parent too young and feels abandoned; anger at a partner who caused great disappointment, or even the adopted anger of a previous partner of the father who was unfairly abandoned by him.

Hypertension: In many cases it is related to a love that was or needed to be repressed, usually because of the death of a parent, or some traumatic experience with one of them.

A son who must take the place of his father after his death, for example, may feel a lot of anger that will manifest itself in this way.

What to do?

Look at the disease and its symptoms. Give the necessary care, remembering that traditional medicine has its place and must always be considered But expand on it, if possible, by seeking professional help.

A good constellator or systemic psychotherapist will show you the dynamics that act to maintain the symptom, but without the intention of eliminating it.

We need to welcome everything that comes into our context with love, understanding that it is necessary at that moment, so that perhaps the symptom, after fulfilling its function, can leave in peace.

Douglas Harris

Douglas Harris is a seasoned astrologer and writer with over two decades of experience in understanding and interpreting the zodiac. He is known for his deep knowledge of astrology and has helped many people find clarity and insight into their lives through his horoscope readings. Douglas has a degree in astrology and has been featured in various publications, including Astrology Magazine and The Huffington Post. In addition to his astrology practice, Douglas is also a prolific writer, having authored several books on astrology and horoscopes. He is passionate about sharing his knowledge and insights with others and believes that astrology can help people live a more fulfilling and meaningful life. In his free time, Douglas enjoys hiking, reading, and spending time with his family and pets.