Are you or do you know a boring person?

Douglas Harris 26-06-2023
Douglas Harris

Not always. Many times people become boring and don't realize it. Identifying a boring person is not very difficult, but the boring person doesn't realize that he is becoming one or even that he is such a person.

Usually people who are or are being boring don't look at their behavior, they don't notice themselves. They are so absorbed in their own universe that they are unable to notice how others react to their presence. Some phrases heard from friends or colleagues can be the clue that you are or are becoming boring. Notice the not always so subtle hints:

  • When you arrive in a group of friends there is an awkward silence in the air?
  • Do people often give excuses for hanging up the phone?
  • Are you no longer invited to all programs with friends?
  • When you look for people are they always busy to give you attention?
  • Do you hear comments like "hey, here she (or he) comes?"
  • When playing with you, do people imitate your favorite phrases?

It is possible that these and other events occur once in a while, but when they become frequent, they can signal that your way of being is not welcome, that it is bothering you in some instance.

The nag has some characteristics that are worth enumerating. Even if he has good friends, these people often feel embarrassed to point out his nagging. Some even try to talk in a more subtle way, but usually with no result. The nag usually doesn't pay much attention to subtleties.

You become a boring person when:

  • Always wants to be the center of attention
  • He chooses a subject, talks about it all the time (break-up, politics, religion, diet, soccer, work, etc.)
  • Frequently interrupts what they are talking about by making inappropriate comments, laughing out of turn, or changing the direction of the conversation
  • He talks all the time and explains everything in detail, giving no chance for dialogue
  • He criticizes everything, nothing is good, he only complains about life and people
  • He thinks he is the owner of the truth, the absolute master of right and wrong, he is a judge
  • You are always in a bad mood
  • Trying at all costs to convince others of your point of view on a subject

Obviously everyone has his or her moments, but the true bore is predictable, he or she carries this personality trait that drives people away. The bore is "over", he or she lacks balance.

Types of Boring

There are several kinds of annoyance. Check below six types of annoyance and identify if you are or know any of them.

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  • Nasty bore - makes unkind comments, such as noticing dry skin, lackluster hair, extra pounds, etc. Always talks loudly and with no sense of discretion.
  • Inconvenient nag - asks about health issues or a particular problem because he wants to feel intimate, wants to show that he has certain information about the other person.
  • Aggressive nagging - comes in disqualifying (in "jest") your clothes, your opinions, or any other characteristic of someone else. Unlike nasty nagging, this type makes more offensive comments, such as "so, have you abandoned your stupid idea of opening a store?"
  • Sympathetic bore - is always smiling and agrees with everything, repeating what has already been said, because he thinks that this way he will be accepted by a certain group.
  • Persistent nagging - always asks the same questions, always suggests the same things, and makes a point of reviving a certain subject. This type likes to keep insisting on the same opinion, which is usually contrary to his own.
  • Boring know-it-all - usually tells you what you "have to" do. He uses phrases like: "you have to change your job", "you have to date", "you have to go to my dentist", "you have to change the way you dress". This type thinks he is great at managing your life.

Annoyance is curable

The good news is that it is possible to stop being a pain in the ass. If you identify yourself as one of the modalities above or if you know someone who does, know that anxiety, difficulty in accepting the differences between people and their points of view, mild depression, non-conformism and low self-esteem can bebehind endless chatter and inappropriate behavior.

Often the individual develops beliefs that it is necessary to always have an opinion on every subject, or thinks that everything that escapes his understanding is wrong. Out of sheer insecurity or for personal reasons, he doesn't see color in life and brings his black and white view to the groups, or he feels inferior and needs people to pay attention to him. Behind a nag there is a personIt can also be people who are going through a difficult period or have slowly crystallized their way of being as a form of defense.

If you can't discern enough to know whether or not you are a boring person, ask a sincere friend. Give him the freedom to tell you without reservation what he really feels and perceives about you. Then look at yourself and try to understand what it is that makes you act in a way that identifies you as a boring person.personality, you should know that a therapeutic process can help you a lot to find the balance so that your relationships can be more sincere and healthy, without leaving you with that feeling of being too much, being inconvenient, or worse, being rejected in any way.

When you find the thread, the reason why you started behaving in a way that made you an annoying person, and resolve this issue at the cause, little by little you are able to rebuild your relationships on a more balanced basis and believe me: everyone will notice the difference in your change!

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Douglas Harris

Douglas Harris is a seasoned astrologer and writer with over two decades of experience in understanding and interpreting the zodiac. He is known for his deep knowledge of astrology and has helped many people find clarity and insight into their lives through his horoscope readings. Douglas has a degree in astrology and has been featured in various publications, including Astrology Magazine and The Huffington Post. In addition to his astrology practice, Douglas is also a prolific writer, having authored several books on astrology and horoscopes. He is passionate about sharing his knowledge and insights with others and believes that astrology can help people live a more fulfilling and meaningful life. In his free time, Douglas enjoys hiking, reading, and spending time with his family and pets.