How to cut energetic ties with people who do you harm

Douglas Harris 18-10-2023
Douglas Harris

Sometimes we maintain harmful connections with people who have already lost their validity in our lives. We normalize these contacts and maintain relationships with those who do us harm. This is why it is important to know how to cut energetic ties.

Energy bonds or cords are connections we make with people, places, objects, situations, and even thoughts and emotions. These connections are built up over time and can become very strong in our lives, affecting our general well-being, and especially our emotional, mental, and energetic well-being.

You can understand more deeply what energy cords are here.

Over a long time and gradually, our mind and emotions can adjust to the negative links, often for self-protection or as a reaction of unconscious patterns.

Energetic cords of good and evil

Some energy cords are positive connections that help us feel good, protected, and connected to the world around us.

However, some of the patterns may deteriorate and no longer reflect the current reality and need. With this, these bonds can become harmful links that our mental and emotional normalize over time.

It's like an addiction, only a pattern addiction on several internal levels. Some of the easiest points to notice are:

Tendency to harmful behavior

You know that saying "see how the person treats those who are of no benefit or who cannot fight back"? Use it to see " without a lens, what relationships with other people are like.

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If there is a tendency to deception, lying, manipulation, victimism, authoritarianism, selfishness, etc. "almost" absolutely sure to be repeated with you and in your relationship.

The reference of the standard

More internalized and even more profound than the above, is the reference we have had, the place we develop our perception and structure, survival and sense of protection, in family, education, social, childhood, adolescence and adulthood, and how we see normality.

If a reference has already lost its validity, or we have chosen another way to lead our life, it still needs to be taken care of and dealt with so that we don't repeat, or unconsciously seek similar situations.

His Worst

Connections with people and situations that are clearly negative, do harm or bring suffering, and you perceive yourself in REactive and automatic mode, are the ones that awaken your worst, your negative characteristics such as insecurity, aggressiveness, victimism, manipulation, etc.

How to deal with ties that do harm

Like a system or game that feeds itself, a person who already has the tendency to harmful behavior makes (unconsciously) the (negative) connection with others with a harmful pattern of reference.

This can be from family, socially, childhood, adolescence or adulthood, triggering reactions that are not elevated in the parts. The system as a whole is maintained and shows growth according to the degree of involvement and energy put into it.

These poles can be cared for and preferably separately, as they pause and distance bringing perspective.

Knowing that it is a system that feeds itself, we can do our part in deconstructing these harmful loops, taking care of ourselves and cleaning up our part to no longer put energy into and nurture these loops. And stopping gambling is one way.

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How to cut energetic ties

For you, the best way to cut energetic ties is to become aware of them and work to dissolve them. This can be done through therapeutic techniques and tools such as Meditation, vibrational therapy, and other forms.

It is important to remember that each energetic string was made with time, energy, emotions, and thoughts dedicated to it, so it is essential to be respectful of the time and care needs that each of these strings requires.

When we connect to something or someone, it is natural to want to maintain and nurture that connection, so it is critical to keep our attention on and identify the strings that are holding us back and limiting our openness to healthy relationships.

So that we can build them more consciously and intentionally, and not reflect the same processes and patterns that (unfortunately) we are used to. And focus on getting used to less and less harmful patterns and processes.

We often find ourselves caught in negative energetic cords due to fear of the unknown. The thought of breaking free of toxic relationships and situations can be daunting, as we don't know what to expect on the other side.

However, it is important to remember that these harmful cords can cause serious long-term emotional and mental damage, and it takes courage to cut them and break free.

To maintain relations or not?

Another issue that contributes to maintaining negative energetic cords is the mistaken idea that we should prioritize relationships and situations over ourselves.

We forget that quality is more important than quantity or duration of connections, and end up getting lost in relationships that suck energy out of us and take us away from our own needs and priorities...

When we learn to take care of ourselves and value our energetic, emotional, and mental well-being, we find the balance needed to maintain healthy relationships free of negativity.

One way of practical self-knowledge is by the Chakras and the importance of understanding yourself from them. In this article here you can understand why it is important to take care of the Chakras.

The importance of learning how to cut energetic ties

By locating, disconnecting, removing and/or clearing the cords that negatively affect us, we are creating space for healthier, more positive relationships. And paving the way for personal growth and a more balanced, happier life.

It is important to respect ourselves and to take the time to take care of these cords and connections, to work to dissolve them when they are no longer valid and beneficial. This allows us to move forward with more lightness and confidence, and to build healthier and more rewarding connections in our lives.

It is easy to get involved and entangled in energetic cords and ties with people, even those who do you harm, because they bring with them stories, memories, and all the emotional and mental content involved.

Your balance, sense of worth and self-love help a lot, so it is important to be careful in dealing with them and to seek professional help when necessary. Consider, for example, the Arcturus Frequency Table to help you at this time.

Rose quartz in this process

To avoid falling into the trap of negative energetic cords again, it is essential to be aware of the process and internalize the learning acquired. Developing mindfulness, presence, and awareness is essential to maintain balance and prevent the recurrence of old patterns.

Rose Quartz, for example, is great for bringing into your routine the exercise of self-love, unconditional love, and the power of self-forgiveness. It is a stone that helps dissolve that which suppresses the heart's ability to give and receive love.

The idea is not to cut and forget the past, but to learn from it and move on to make increasingly healthy and conscious choices, creating stronger and deeper bonds, and fewer emotional and mental knots.

When we dedicate ourselves to our own well-being and cultivate positive relationships and situations, our life becomes lighter and more harmonious, and we can grow and evolve in a full and satisfying way.

Vibrational therapy techniques, for example, can raise and maintain your higher frequency and support this internal shift.

Thus, the right therapist can help identify the root of your problems and offer different strategies and tools necessary for improvement.

Therefore, it is important to choose an experienced professional, because he or she will better understand the causes and resistances, as well as the appropriate way to help you deal with this challenging scenario.

Douglas Harris

Douglas Harris is a seasoned astrologer and writer with over two decades of experience in understanding and interpreting the zodiac. He is known for his deep knowledge of astrology and has helped many people find clarity and insight into their lives through his horoscope readings. Douglas has a degree in astrology and has been featured in various publications, including Astrology Magazine and The Huffington Post. In addition to his astrology practice, Douglas is also a prolific writer, having authored several books on astrology and horoscopes. He is passionate about sharing his knowledge and insights with others and believes that astrology can help people live a more fulfilling and meaningful life. In his free time, Douglas enjoys hiking, reading, and spending time with his family and pets.