Understand the feeling of anger

Douglas Harris 04-06-2023
Douglas Harris

Anger is one of the most present emotions in modern life. Whether it is well hidden inside us or expressed violently, it bothers us and causes guilt. After all, who likes someone who feels anger?

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Certainly, anger can fill someone with such intense energy that it is almost impossible to be around it without feeling affected. Many are the reactions: to feel anger too, fear, embarrassment, or simply annoyance. In any case, very few of us would be indifferent or compassionate to it.

Then, when this angry wave leaves, there is the shame, the uneasiness, the consequences - broken objects, broken relationships, accidents - and a very great sense of regret.

It is quite likely that, because of this, many try to suppress their anger by hiding it behind complacent smiles, eating quickly, throwing or smashing objects, playing some kind of sport, or even becoming harsh, closed or ironic people.

anger is something so natural that better than trying to hide it is to simply let it flow freely

In a state of containment the anger will only accumulate and become more and more powerful, so that all it will take is one reason, even the silliest, for it to be totally released. This is when the person, until then so controlled, will appear before his relatives and acquaintances totally changed, upset, doing unbelievable things. People will not be able to understand how something soinsignificant generated such a stormy reaction.

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Even so, anger is something so natural that it is better than trying to hide it, is simply to let it flow freely. Therefore, our effort should not be to contain anger. We should let it express itself and let it go away naturally, since its roots are rooted in only one very present will: the will to control everything.

What most generates anger within us is our feeling of powerlessness in the face of our failure to control a person, a situation, or ourselves.

Control means to generate some kind of tension. This explains why it is so difficult to overcome an addiction, to lose weight, or even to relate to others, when what moves you is the feeling of control.

So when you feel anger, ask yourself, "what am I trying to control?" and accept that it is not up to you to dominate the situation or anyone else. Try to adapt, relax and find other ways to solve what you need. Check out some tips:

  • The first thing to do is not to deny the anger. It exists, so accept it;
  • Much of our anger is generated by unimportant things, so evaluate whether it is really worth it to ruin the moment, and even the day, because of a misunderstanding or something out of place;
  • Channel the anger into something positive, like a productive activity or physical exercise. No taking it out on people, plants, animals, objects, or even on tasks that can be "impregnated" with that energy, like preparing food for yourself or someone else;
  • Finally, don't blame anyone else for what you are feeling. The anger started within you and will end within you. The outside world is just an excuse.

Finally, don't be afraid of anger, don't hide it, release it!

Douglas Harris

Douglas Harris is a seasoned astrologer and writer with over two decades of experience in understanding and interpreting the zodiac. He is known for his deep knowledge of astrology and has helped many people find clarity and insight into their lives through his horoscope readings. Douglas has a degree in astrology and has been featured in various publications, including Astrology Magazine and The Huffington Post. In addition to his astrology practice, Douglas is also a prolific writer, having authored several books on astrology and horoscopes. He is passionate about sharing his knowledge and insights with others and believes that astrology can help people live a more fulfilling and meaningful life. In his free time, Douglas enjoys hiking, reading, and spending time with his family and pets.